November 16, 2014: “final test”
November 11, 2014: “Track and Manage Your Fleet Efficiently / U.S. vs. European Fleets”
November 4, 2014: “Expert Takes on Today’s Fleet Market / The Character of a Good Business Partner”
October 28, 2014: “Fleet Managers Wearing More & More Hats / Improving Public Safety”
October 21, 2014: “Skill Sets Fleet Managers Need / Technology for Modern Mobile Workers”
September 29, 2014: “Take the Risk Out of Fleet Safety / Professional Fleet Advice & Counsel”
September 22, 2014: “The Global Connected Vehicle / Smart Fleet Vehicle Transport Today”
September 8, 2014: “The Modern Mobile Fleet Worker / It’s AFLA Week in Las Vegas”
September 1, 2014: “Smart Solutions for Mobile Employees / How ‘Owned Media‘ Benefits You”
August 25, 2014: “NAFA’S IFA is a Game Changer / Guerrilla Mentoring for Women at AFLA”
August 17, 2014: “The Fleet Customer Experience Revolution / Stop Distracted Driving Now”
August 4, 2014: “How to Earn a Great Reputation / Reduce Speeding for Your Fleet”
July 28, 2014: “What’s It Mean to Be a Sustainable Fleet? / New ‘I Am NAFA’ Video”
July 21, 2014: “Times are Changing for Traditional Fleet Managers / Subaru Puts Fleet Orders First”
July 14, 2014: “How to Address Data Management Needs / Element’s Acquisition of PHH is Finalized”
July 7, 2014: “Great Content Opens Doors for Fleet Providers / Smart Vehicle Relocation”
June 30, 2014: “Today’s Smart Telematics: Configurable Dashboards, Predictive Analytics and More”
June 23, 2014: “Smart Work Truck Strategies / The Power of Telematics / Great Fleet Conferences”
June 16, 2014: “Drowsy Driving: A Wake-Up Call / Break the Chains of Old Fleet Software”
June 9, 2014: “Delivering the Right Customer Experience / Data + Safety = Success”
June 2, 2014: “Expert Fleet Marketing Tips / Learn, Innovate, Win at AFLA in Las Vegas”
May 27, 2014: “Go Global at NAFA’s Int’l Fleet Academy / Customer Experience as Key Differentiator”
May 19, 2014: “Global Fleet World Keeps Getting Smaller / Smart Ways to Cut Costs”
May 12, 2014: “Training and Managing Your Drivers / A Proven Solution to Reduce Accidents”
May 5, 2014: “Passing the Relocation Services Test / NAFA Forming Government Affairs Committee”
April 28, 2014: “A Leap Forward for Fleet Sustainability / Easy Vehicle Lifecycle Management”
April 21, 2014: “Distracted Driving Awareness / Controlling Costs with Alternative Fuels”
April 15, 2014: “Speechless at NAFA I&E / Top 10 Tips: Communicating with Fleet Drivers”
April 7, 2014: “Ready for NAFA I&E in Minneapolis! / Alternative Fuel Vehicles, A Holistic View”
March 31, 2014: “NAFA Announces FLEXY Award Finalists / Handling Business with a Lighter Truck”
March 24, 2014: “The Urgency of Work Truck Transport / Wheels Celebrates 75 Great Years”
March 17, 2014: “Education + Networking = Success / ‘Back to Normal’ for Used Vehicle Sales”
March 10, 2014: “Focus on Education at NAFA I&E / Setting Depreciations Realistically”
March 3, 2014: “All Eyes on Global Fleet / Choosing the Right Vehicle Relocation Company”
February 24, 2014: “Used Car Market Ride is Over / Technology to Tackle Distracted Driving”
February 10, 2014: “Using Incentives to Boost Driver Safety / Insurance and Global Fleets”
February 3, 2014: “New ‘I Am NAFA’ Videos / Tightening CAFE Requirements Affect Fleet Trends”
January 27, 2014: “ARI’s Global Push / Surprising Super Bowl Stats / NAFA’s Many Advantages”
January 20, 2014: “What’s Expected of Your Vehicles? / Green Fleets Adopt Reporting Tools”
January 13, 2014: “Integrating Alternative Fuels / Honing Your Fleet Skills in 2014″
January 6, 2014: “2014’s Must-Attend Fleet Conferences / Phil Russo on NAFA I&E in Minneapolis”