July 28, 2014


Editor's Analysis & Top Industry News

Sutton_Janice Pride and Glory

We are so proud of the ‘I Am NAFA’ video, pro­duced by cin­e­matog­ra­pher Vic­tor Noerdlinger, and released last week by NAFA. If you haven’t yet seen the video, check it out here. Many thanks to stars Bryan Flans­burg, CAFM, Michele Cun­ning­ham, Jose Gal­lardo, Sheryl Gross­man, Carl Nel­son, and Kate Vigneau. And Kudos to Victor!

Hearty con­grat­u­la­tions to NAFA Trea­surer and Trustee Jeff Jeter, fleet man­ager for Chester­field County’s Depart­ment of Gen­eral Ser­vices, for accept­ing two awards from the National Asso­ci­a­tion of Coun­ties on behalf of Chester­field County, VA! Phillip E. Russo, CAE, CEO of NAFA, said, “Jeff Jeter, through his efforts in his fleet, points the way for­ward for other fleets as well as for NAFA through our new Sus­tain­able Fleet Stan­dard Program”

And on the topic of sus­tain­able fleets, don’t miss this arti­cle in The Elec­tri­fied Util­ity Fleet: “Elec­tric Util­ity Group Urges Mem­bers to Put Mus­cle Behind Plug-In EVs. ”

We’re very much look­ing for­ward to the upcom­ing AFLA con­fer­ence in Las Vegas. Check out this lineup of con­fer­ence speak­ers and pro­grams. Odds are that the 2014 con­fer­ence will be another winner!

Jan­ice Sut­ton
Exec­u­tive Director

Janis Christensen AFLA Webinar: Management of Employee-Provided Vehicles: Understanding the Differences Between Reimbursement Methods

Webi­nar: Thurs­day, July 31st, 2 PM Cen­tral. Reg­is­ter here.

Many com­pa­nies uti­lize employee-provided vehi­cles to some degree or another in order to meet their needs for the trans­port of peo­ple, goods, or ser­vices. Employ­ees who oper­ate their vehi­cles for busi­ness use are com­pen­sated under either tax­able or non-taxable reim­burse­ment plans, but employ­ers and employ­ees often over­look dif­fer­ences in tax con­se­quences between the two types of reim­burse­ment methods.

Well-run orga­ni­za­tions inte­grate both employer-provided and employee-provided vehi­cles into their fleet pro­gram as part of their vehi­cle allo­ca­tion method­ol­ogy (VAM). The fleet man­ager (or other designee) should have author­ity over both pro­grams in order to prop­erly con­trol costs and to suc­cess­fully pro­vide fair, safe, and equi­table trans­porta­tion for all employees.



VIDEO: What's It Mean to Be a Sustainable Fleet?

There are mul­ti­ple def­i­n­i­tions of what it means to be a sus­tain­able fleet, which can be con­fus­ing. Thank­fully, NAFA has estab­lished a stan­dard that fleet man­agers can bench­mark against.

VIDEO: Safety is Paramount
  Safety Needs to Be Personal

Smart fleets today are build­ing highly suc­cess­ful safety cul­tures — and they start by mak­ing safety very personal.

Click here to watch video
  NAFA And FMW Release 2nd “I Am NAFA” Video Entry

The sec­ond “I Am NAFA” video was recently released from NAFA and FMW, fea­tur­ing expert Fleet Man­ager Jose Gal­lardo from NAFA’s Ari­zona Chapter.

“I Am NAFA” is a series of videos devel­oped by NAFA and Fleet Man­age­ment Weekly (FMW) pro­mot­ing the value of NAFA mem­ber­ship. By turn­ing the cam­era from the Asso­ci­a­tion to those served by NAFA, view­ers can directly see how these indi­vid­u­als have ben­e­fit­ted from NAFA membership.

Click here to read more

The Fleet Spot

Jeffrey Jeter Jeff Jeter Accepts Environmental, Sustainable Fleet Awards for Chesterfield Co, VA

In June, The National Asso­ci­a­tion of Coun­ties (NACo) awarded Chester­field County, VA two 2014 Achieve­ment Awards for its pro­grams, “Man­ag­ing Fleet Envi­ron­men­tal Wastes to Mit­i­gate Our Impacts” and “Sus­tain­able Fleet Vehi­cle Replace­ment Pro­gram,” in the cat­e­gory of Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion and Energy. NAFA Trea­surer and Trustee Jef­frey Jeter accepted the awards on behalf of Chester­field County. Jeter serves as Fleet Man­ager for Chester­field County’s Depart­ment of Gen­eral Services.


NCSFA new logo 2011 NCSFA State Fleet Managers Workshop

Octo­ber 7 — 9, 2014
Burling­ton, Vermont

Free Reg­is­tra­tion for Fleet Managers!

Attend the 2nd annual NCSFA State Fleet Manager’s Work­shop, designed exclu­sively for Gov­ern­ment Fleet Man­age­ment Pro­fes­sion­als to be held in beau­ti­ful Burling­ton, Ver­mont on Lake Champlain.

The NCSFA and the State of Ver­mont are co-hosting this three day inten­sive work­shop.  Pre­sen­ters will be state fleet pro­fes­sion­als shar­ing their best prac­tices and pro­gram information.

Work­shop Brochure, Agenda and Reg­is­tra­tion Details

Anil Goyal Anil Goyal Joins Black Book as VP Analytics & Strategic Relationships

Black Book announces the addi­tion of Anil Goyal to its exec­u­tive team serv­ing as Vice Pres­i­dent of Ana­lyt­ics and Strate­gic Rela­tion­ships. Best known for pro­vid­ing timely, inde­pen­dent and accu­rate vehi­cle val­u­a­tion data, the addi­tion of Mr. Goyal enables Black Book to broaden its reach into data and trend analy­sis for cus­tomers in a vari­ety of lead­ing industries.


cei new logo CEI Installs Latest Internet Telephone Trunk Technology

The CEI Group, Inc. (CEI) is upgrad­ing its tele­phone sys­tem by switch­ing to SIP (Ses­sion Ini­ti­a­tion Pro­to­col) trunk lines, the lat­est in Voice-over-Internet Pro­to­col technology.

“We engage in a total of more than 1 mil­lion inbound and out­bound phone calls a year, most of which are long-distance and com­bine voice and stream­ing media,” said Bob Mar­riott, CEI’s senior man­ager of enter­prise tech­nol­ogy.

“Our new SIP trunks offer more robust multi-media capa­bil­ity and the advan­tage of sim­pler, vir­tual con­nec­tiv­ity to inter­net ser­vice tele­phone providers. They’re also more scal­able and cost-effective, and will help us con­trol our costs as CEI call vol­ume con­tin­ues to grow.”

READ MORE to learn about SIP

Technology & Driver Management  
Rich Crawford, CEO, SambaSafety

Rich Craw­ford, CEO of Sam­baSafety, gives us some insight into his company’s con­tin­u­ous mon­i­tor­ing solu­tion to iden­tify dri­ver risk. He says it’s not enough to pull an MVR on a dri­ver once a year; many vio­la­tions can hap­pen within a year.

He says, “Think of us as a salesforce.com for dri­ver risk man­age­ment. Sam­basafety is a plat­form where our cus­tomers can plug in dif­fer­ent mod­ules — telem­at­ics data, traf­fic vio­la­tion data, even employer only data — and we can bring all of that data together in a com­pre­hen­sive sin­gle plat­form and then present that back up to our cus­tomers as action­able insight — giv­ing them the abil­ity to take cor­rec­tive actions before it becomes an issue.”


The 'Electrified' Utility Fleet  

NAFA Pres­i­dent Claude Mas­ters, CAFM: “While NAFA has a ‘fuel-neutral’ phi­los­o­phy, the Asso­ci­a­tion rec­og­nizes that elec­tric vehi­cles will be a major player in how fleets will get to their car­bon foot­print goals.”

By Michael Sheldrick, Senior Editor

If you like a good pun, and you’re inter­ested in a top-flight analy­sis of the prospects for elec­tric vehi­cles, you’ll love a com­pre­hen­sive new report from the Edi­son Elec­tric Insti­tute, the trade asso­ci­a­tion for investor-owned elec­tric util­i­ties: Trans­porta­tion Elec­tri­fi­ca­tion: Util­ity Fleets lead­ing the Charge.” Even if you hate puns you’ll want to read it if you are inter­ested in the out­look for elec­tri­fi­ca­tion — and if you’re not, you should be. This report makes a strong case that EVs have a promis­ing future.


Fleet Safety  

As part of a mutual com­mit­ment to com­mer­cial fleet safety, Fleet­mat­ics Group PLC  and Fleet Safety Insti­tute recently announced the avail­abil­ity of a co-authored white paper. The announce­ment comes in con­junc­tion with the Fleet Safety Con­fer­ence that took place from July 22–23 in Schaum­burg, IL.

The paper enti­tled, “Ensur­ing Fleet and Dri­ver Safety: How Tech­nol­ogy Helps Ser­vice Busi­nesses Adhere to Reg­u­la­tions and Pro­tect Employ­ees,” is designed to help edu­cate com­mer­cial fleet-related busi­nesses about com­mon safety-related issues and how to use tech­nol­ogy to address them.


Fleet Trends & Issues

Back-up-cameraHow Back-Up Cameras Work and What’s Coming Next

On the evening of Octo­ber 19, 2002, pedi­a­tri­cian Greg Gul­bransen walked out his front door to move the family’s sport-utility vehi­cle into the dri­ve­way. Unbe­knownst to him, his 2-year-old son Cameron fol­lowed. Gul­bransen was back­ing up when he felt a small bump, dis­cov­er­ing only after it was too late that he’d acci­den­tally run over and killed the boy.

On March 31, 2014, the National High­way Trans­porta­tion Safety Admin­is­tra­tion (NHTSA) final­ized a long-delayed reg­u­la­tion meant to reduce back-overs, a key part of a 2007 dri­ving safety act named for Cameron Gul­bransen. The reg­u­la­tion sets a 2018 dead­line for rearview mon­i­tor­ing tech­nol­ogy to be stan­dard on pas­sen­ger vehi­cles sold or leased in the United States.

Dri­vers don’t have to wait until 2018, though, to get a car with a cam­era that shows them what’s behind their back bumper. 

♦ Back-up cam­era sys­tems will have to meet fed­eral stan­dards, but how they oper­ate varies.
The button-size devices are posi­tioned so dri­vers can see peo­ple or objects that are oth­er­wise unde­tectable using a side or rearview mir­ror or by glanc­ing over their shoul­der. When NHTSA’s rear vis­i­bil­ity reg­u­la­tion takes effect, it will require rearview tech­nol­ogy to dis­play a 10-by-20-foot area directly behind the vehi­cle. The rule also requires sys­tems to show the dri­ver an image of the area no more than 2 sec­onds after they put the vehi­cle into reverse.

READ MORE to get the details

car-van-accident7 Things Drivers Need to Do at the Scene of an Accident

Are you prepar­ing dri­vers and other per­son­nel on what to do in case of a crash? Fleets should pre­pare for and prac­tice what to do in the event of a seri­ous acci­dent just like they do for fire drills — from top man­age­ment to dis­patch­ers to dri­vers. What dri­vers and other com­pany per­son­nel do imme­di­ately fol­low­ing an acci­dent can help you win a law­suit or cause you to lose one.

These seven steps should be taught in ori­en­ta­tion, prac­ticed, and reviewed on an ongo­ing basis. Lam­i­nated cheat-sheets out­lin­ing the steps that are kept in the vehi­cle can help dri­vers remem­ber the steps in the con­fu­sion of an actual crash aftermath.

1. Remain calm. Before you do any­thing, take a deep breath. Don’t admit fault to any­one — even a sim­ple “I’m sorry” could be con­strued by a court as an admit­tance of guilt.

READ MORE for the remain­ing steps.

why-businesses-not-implemented-gps-trackingTop 3 Reasons Businesses Don’t Have GPS Tracking Yet

Are you involved in fleet man­age­ment, and on the fence about imple­ment­ing a GPS track­ing solu­tion? In a recent study, fleet exec­u­tives in the United States were asked why they have not imple­mented GPS track­ing to their fleet oper­a­tions yet. The top three most com­mon rea­sons iden­ti­fied were lack of bud­get, the need to do more research, and the belief that it wouldn’t help.


NAFA IFA 2014 logoNAFA’s 2014 International Fleet Academy Touts Hard-Hitting Global Fleet Education

NAFA’s 2014 Inter­na­tional Fleet Acad­emy is the pre­mier global fleet con­fer­ence for a good rea­son. Fleet pro­fes­sion­als who attend the IFA learn from the best and most knowl­edge­able indi­vid­u­als on the sub­ject of global fleet man­age­ment. Atten­dees can share infor­ma­tion with col­leagues in an inti­mate set­ting arranged by NAFA, the most trusted name in fleet.

From dis­cus­sions regard­ing cloud-based loca­tion intel­li­gence soft­ware plat­forms, to fleet cen­tral­iza­tion ver­sus region­al­ized struc­ture, stan­dard­iza­tion of goods and ser­vices, staffing, how to iden­tify and visit the right regional peo­ple, and more, IFA pro­vides unpar­al­leled edu­ca­tion for fleet pro­fes­sion­als with inter­na­tional oversight.


Fleet Conferences  

Join Your Fleet Col­leagues in Las Vegas at the 2014 AFLA Annual Conference!

The annual con­fer­ence of the Auto­mo­tive Fleet and Leas­ing Asso­ci­a­tion (AFLA) will be held Sep­tem­ber 7–10, 2014 at the M Resort & Spa Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. The theme for this year’s con­fer­ence is Learn, Inno­vate, Win: Improv­ing Your Odds for Fleet Suc­cess. This is AFLA’s sec­ond trip to Las Vegas, return­ing after a suc­cess­ful con­fer­ence in 2010.

The theme is reflec­tive of AFLA’s ded­i­ca­tion to offer­ing top-notch speak­ers and con­tent for an afford­able con­fer­ence fee and a great return on your invest­ment. Vince Poscente, Wel­don Long, and Scott Bur­rows will all give keynote pre­sen­ta­tions at this year’s con­fer­ence. AFLA is excited to part­ner with these great speak­ers to present key pro­fes­sional devel­op­ment top­ics dur­ing the conference.


Fleet Technology  

Last week, the John­son County, Iowa, Board of Super­vi­sors approved a procla­ma­tion encour­ag­ing autonomous vehi­cle test­ing as a pub­lic safety and eco­nomic devel­op­ment ini­tia­tive.

The procla­ma­tion passed unan­i­mously on a 5–0 vote.

“When you con­sider what’s already avail­able, such as hands-free park­ing, this tech­nol­ogy is utterly amaz­ing,” said Janelle Ret­ting, John­son County Super­vi­sor.  “I’m excited that John­son County can be on the fore­front of test­ing, inno­va­tion, and safety, pro­vid­ing jobs and oppor­tu­ni­ties for our citizens.”


Fleet Remarketing  

We are huge fans of the CNW Research Newslet­terRetail Auto­mo­tive Sum­mary,’ Art Spinella’s fact-filled and enter­tain­ing monthly look at the auto­mo­tive mar­ket. While the newslet­ter has appeal for retail­ers, Spinella also keeps us up to date on related sta­tis­tics and trends within fleet remarketing.

The July newslet­ter opens: “Given their druthers, con­sumers would rather buy an off-lease vehi­cle than one that has been repos­sessed or spent its early years as a daily rental. Depend­ing on the mar­ket seg­ment, the pre­mium a shop­per is will­ing to pay for a CPO ver­sion of a pickup, for exam­ple, is more than $800 com­pared to expect­ing a dis­count of more than $4,100 if it had been in a fleet.”

Read more to learn why the dif­fer­ence in prices.

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