February 10, 2014
Editor's Analysis & Top Industry News

Sutton_Janice Bold Ideas & Educational Opportunities

Atten­dees at NAFA’s Inter­na­tional Fleet Acad­emy last fall were treated to an inspir­ing and enter­tain­ing keynote address by Kent Rath­well, pres­i­dent and founder of Sun Coun­try High­way. He cre­ated the infra­struc­ture to allow peo­ple to travel the breadth of Canada in an elec­tric vehi­cle, with­out pub­lic fund­ing – prov­ing that aver­age peo­ple can make a dif­fer­ence if enough aver­age peo­ple come together. We are delighted to fea­ture him in The Fleet Spot this week.

Learn more about edu­ca­tional oppor­tu­ni­ties and upcom­ing webinars.

ARI logo from video ARI to Host Vehicle Remarketing Best Practices Webinar

ARI will host a webi­nar high­light­ing best prac­tices in vehi­cle remar­ket­ing on Tues­day, Feb­ru­ary 11, 2014 at 11:00 am EST. The webi­nar will give fleet per­son­nel the oppor­tu­nity to explore and dis­cuss var­i­ous vehi­cle remar­ket­ing strate­gies to help deter­mine the best options for their fleet.


AFLA_Logo_NCDs.gif AFLA Webinar: How to Use Incentives to Increase Driver Safety

Reg­is­ter now for the lat­est install­ment in the AFLA mem­ber webi­nar series tak­ing place on Thurs­day, Feb­ru­ary 20 at 2pm CST. Pre­sen­ter Kathy Kon­icki, Direc­tor of Safety for Nation­wide Insur­ance, will dis­cuss how to use incen­tives to increase dri­ver safety. This webi­nar will focus on whether incen­tives actu­ally work in moti­vat­ing dri­vers to change their high risk dri­ving behav­iors. Click here to learn more about this timely and rel­e­vant webinar.

Peter Sheehan Leadership Guru Peter Sheahan to Keynote at NAFA I&E

Author and lead­er­ship con­sul­tant Peter Shea­han will pro­vide the first of two Keynote Pre­sen­ta­tions at NAFA’s 2014 Insti­tute & Expo.

With oper­a­tions in three coun­tries and nine cities, he knows first-hand the pres­sures of grow­ing and lead­ing a busi­ness in the rapidly chang­ing world. In his pre­sen­ta­tion, he’ll give his insights on how the best lead­ers and entre­pre­neurs exe­cute on their good ideas and turn them into prof­itable results.


van de Wiel_Eelco_Fleet Insurance

VIDEO: Insurance and Global Fleets

If you’re man­ag­ing a global fleet, then it’s imper­a­tive for you to under­stand what it takes to insure them from both a global and country-by-country per­spec­tive. Thank­fully, there are spe­cial­ists out there who can help point global fleet man­agers in the right direction.

VIDEO: Networking and NAFA
  Over 25 Years Involvement with NAFA

Bob Mar­tines talks about his appre­ci­a­tion for 25-plus years of involve­ment with NAFA, and the ben­e­fits of net­work­ing with peers as the indus­try con­tin­ues to change.

Click here to watch video
VIDEO: Tools for Fleet Management Success
  From Master Mechanic to Fleet Manager

Jack South­ern of South­ern Con­cepts explains how NAFA helped him under­stand leg­isla­tive issues impact­ing his busi­ness, and how NAFA has been a big part of his con­tin­u­ing suc­cess in general.

Click here to read more

The Fleet Spot

Kent Rathwell Creating the World’s Longest Green Highway

Kent Rath­well is pres­i­dent and founder of Sun Coun­try High­way, whose mis­sion was to put elec­tric vehi­cle charg­ing sta­tions across Canada so that elec­tric vehi­cles would be able to travel from British Colum­bia to Prince Edward Island. Cre­at­ing the world’s longest green high­way was done entirely with­out pub­lic or tax­payer fund­ing, prov­ing a point that aver­age peo­ple can make a difference.


Frank Dankovich Frank Dankovich Joins NAFA’s 2014 I&E OEM Panel

Frank Dankovich, the new Director-Fleet Sales for Chrysler, will make one of his first pub­lic appear­ances in his new posi­tion at NAFA’s 2014 Insti­tute & Expo in Min­neapo­lis, MN on April 9. Dankovich will take part in the OEM panel, in which key auto­mo­tive exec­u­tives answer the ques­tions most on the minds of fleet managers.


John Higginson Wheels Names John Higginson Chief Technology Officer

John Hig­gin­son joined Wheels on Jan­u­ary 2 as the head of the company’s infor­ma­tion tech­nol­ogy depart­ments. With more than 23 years of eCom­merce expe­ri­ence, Hig­gin­son has the ulti­mate respon­si­bil­ity for devel­op­ing and man­ag­ing Wheels’ client-facing appli­ca­tions, sys­tems infra­struc­ture and secu­rity, telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions, inter­nal net­works, and busi­ness con­tin­u­ance func­tions. READ MORE

EV Range Anxiety  

Many Own­ers Com­pul­sively Top Up Their Batteries

Pity the poor Tesla owner. After pay­ing $70,000 or more to have their cake and eat it too, so to speak, it turns out that she or he is now afflicted with “range anx­i­ety,” a new dis­ease ram­pant among the high-income electric-car owner demographic.

Range anx­i­ety is caus­ing overuse of free elec­tric car charg­ing sta­tions by ner­vous dri­vers, who are afraid of not mak­ing it back home or to another charg­ing sta­tion before they run out of juice. Some of these overusers are admit­ted free­load­ers. “If it’s free, I’ll take it,” Michael DeLune, a Tesla owner and admit­ted free­loader, told the Orange County Reg­is­ter. “I’ve done that on occasions.”



Thanks to tech­nol­ogy, no mat­ter where you are in the world you’re able to learn from the fleet man­age­ment experts in NAFA’s ongo­ing webi­nar series.

“Webi­nars are one of our most use­ful ways of offer­ing fleet man­age­ment edu­ca­tion,” said NAFA’s Exec­u­tive Direc­tor, Phillip E. Russo, CAE.  “Hun­dreds of fleet pro­fes­sion­als took advan­tage of our webi­nar series last year and we expect the num­bers to grow in 2014. The qual­ity of the edu­ca­tion is fan­tas­tic, the top­ics are wide-ranging, and they’re avail­able when­ever you want them!”

Read more about the new webi­nars avail­able in 2014.


Fleet Trends & Issues

onceovrFLD Launches Updated Fleet Management App for Smartphones

The newest ver­sion of FLD Inc’s smart­phone app, OnceOVR, includes spe­cial­ized inven­tory man­age­ment and fleet audit func­tion­al­ity aimed at alle­vi­at­ing the issues faced by fleet man­agers and strate­gic sourc­ing and pro­cure­ment pro­fes­sion­als nationwide.

“OnceOVR™ sim­pli­fies the inven­tory man­age­ment and fleet audit process while help­ing fleet man­agers reduce their expo­sure to risk and refine their fleet strat­egy,” said Gary Mott, vice pres­i­dent of FLD.


depreciationUsed Car Depreciation Shows Segment Unsteady in January

Accord­ing to Black Book data, used vehi­cles model years 2008–2012 over­all depre­ci­ated –1.9% in Jan­u­ary, slightly weaker reten­tion com­pared to the –1.4% rate in December.

“Jan­u­ary saw a few key trends that illus­trated some tur­bu­lence in the used-car mar­ket, as truck seg­ments had a bumpy month and domes­tic vehi­cles also saw large monthly declines,” said Ricky Beggs, Edi­to­r­ial Direc­tor of Black Book. “This down­ward pric­ing pres­sure should ease in the near-term as buy­ers ele­vate their activ­ity for the Spring tax-buying season.”


telogisConnected Location Intelligence Drives Significant Gains in Productivity

Whether com­pa­nies require action­able infor­ma­tion from their vehi­cles, assets, cus­tomers, work­ers and/or part­ners, Tel­o­gis Fleet 11 enables con­nec­tiv­ity between what is hap­pen­ing in the field and the back office. Fleet 11 fea­tures mobile appli­ca­tion enhance­ments and new maps that are opti­mized for mobile devices, allow­ing super­vi­sors and oper­a­tions leads to eas­ily visu­al­ize vehi­cles, assets and workers.

“The tri­fecta of con­nected loca­tion intel­li­gence, under­stand­ing what’s hap­pen­ing with dri­vers behind the wheel and the abil­ity to derive action­able ana­lyt­ics from that data is really what dri­ves busi­ness trans­for­ma­tion for our cus­tomers,” said Mark Wallin, vice pres­i­dent, prod­uct man­age­ment at Tel­o­gis.


gps-fleet-alertsA Proactive Approach to Fleet Management

Tak­ing a proac­tive approach to fleet man­age­ment means not only mon­i­tor­ing your dri­vers from the office or your mobile device, but also mak­ing sure your dri­vers are aware of their own behav­ior in real-time, allow­ing them to make a change immediately.

This can be achieved with a fleet track­ing solu­tion, like GPS Insight, by cre­at­ing cus­tomized fleet alerts — and cus­tomiz­ing a GPS track­ing alert to notify your dri­vers is simple.


Fleet Telematics  

Donlen Launches Dri­ver­Point Con­sul­ta­tive Services

Donlen released its case study of a six-month trial of Donlen’s Telem­atic Solu­tion, Dri­ver­Point “Return on Invest­ment: Eric­s­son Sees Results with Dri­ver­Point® Telem­at­ics.” Through­out the trial, there were wide­spread improve­ments in dri­ver behav­ior, fuel econ­omy, and safe dri­ving patterns.

These improve­ments were due in large part to a new pro­gram devel­oped between Donlen and Eric­s­son, Dri­ver­Point Con­sul­ta­tive Ser­vices. For exam­ple, fleet oper­a­tors can track accel­er­a­tion, decel­er­a­tion, idle time, and cre­ate geofences and land­marks. These are fairly com­mon fea­tures of Telem­at­ics sys­tems. But through Dri­ver­Point Con­sul­ta­tive Ser­vices, Eric­s­son also received insight into oper­a­tion of their vehi­cles and could iden­tify oppor­tu­ni­ties to lower cost and improve safety.


Industry Outlook  

Sav­ings at the pump off­set by increased vehi­cle costs, and pos­si­ble supply-chain delays.

ARI’s 2014 Indus­try Out­look, the annual pub­li­ca­tion pro­duced by the company’s Strate­gic Con­sult­ing Team, gives fleet man­agers insight into the trends and oppor­tu­ni­ties expected to affect their fleet oper­a­tions through­out the year. This year’s Out­look focuses on how total cost of own­er­ship (TCO) will be influ­enced by the approach­ing dead­lines for the revised fed­eral Cor­po­rate Aver­age Fuel Econ­omy (CAFE) stan­dards, which aim to increase fuel effi­ciency and reduce CO2 emis­sions. Read more

Global Fleet Solutions  

Based on the com­ments from atten­dees at NAFA’s 2013 Inter­na­tional Fleet Acad­emy, the 2014 Inter­na­tional Fleet Acad­emy is one event fleet man­agers with global respon­si­bil­i­ties can­not afford to miss. The three-day con­fer­ence will be held July 13–15 at the Rosen Shin­gle Creek Resort in Orlando, FL.

NAFA’s Inter­na­tional Fleet Acad­emy was cre­ated to demys­tify global fleet man­age­ment with experts and panel dis­cus­sions that pro­vide valu­able cost-saving strate­gies, offer strate­gic overviews of the dif­fer­ences among coun­tries and cul­tures, inform atten­dees of the right ques­tions to ask for the RFI-RFQ process, and present valu­able lessons on how to decrease cor­po­rate lia­bil­ity by avoid­ing inter­na­tional insur­ance pitfalls.


Fleet Management Resources 
Offering a nationwide vehicle delivery and relocation service; serving the corporate and commercial fleet industry.
LeasePlan is the world's leading high-touch service provider for vehicle leasing and fleet management.
The CEI Group Inc.
North America's largest accident management and fleet driver safety company.
Driven fleet professionals. Driving results.
NAFA is the association for the diverse vehicle fleet management profession regardless of organizational type, geographic location, or fleet composition.

GPS Insight
GPS Insight offers GPS tracking solutions to meet your organization's unique requirements and challenges.
Customizing global fleet management to achieve your goals.