September 1, 2014


Editor's Analysis & Top Industry News

Sutton_Janice Fleet Marketing, Mobility and Management

If you pro­vide goods or ser­vices to the fleet mar­ket, you’ll want to read the lat­est install­ment of Ed Pierce’s monthly fleet mar­ket­ing col­umn, ‘A Call To Action (For Fleet Providers)’. This week, the fleet mar­ket­ing expert talks about dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing, admit­tedly a sub­ject close to our hearts. You’ll find it in Fleet Mar­ket­ing.

Fleet man­agers who either own or lease their fleets can some­times feel a bit ten­ta­tive when the sub­ject of fleet vehi­cle reim­burse­ment arises. Gregg Dar­ish, the engag­ing, smart and clever founder and exec­u­tive chair­man of Cor­po­rate Reim­burse­ment Ser­vices, gives us some insight into their busi­ness model, which has lately evolved – com­plete with rebrand­ing and renam­ing the com­pany. Later this year, the com­pany will be renamed Motus – Latin for motion — and right in step with their focus on fleet mobile employ­ees. Read our inter­view with Dar­ish in The Mobile Employee.

We recently ran into NAFA pres­i­dent Claude Mas­ters, CAFM, and in a wide-ranging inter­view asked for his thoughts on the future fleet man­ager. Read Mas­ters’ remarks in Fleet Man­age­ment.

Happy Labor Day!

Jan­ice Sut­ton
Exec­u­tive Editor

global taxation ‘What You Need to Know About Fleet & Taxation Around the Globe’

With glob­al­iza­tion, a fleet man­ager has to stay on top of the intri­ca­cies of U.S. tax­a­tion and the tax poli­cies of every coun­try their com­pany runs vehi­cles in. It can be a com­plex web of fuel taxes, Value Added Tax­a­tion (VATs), as well as envi­ron­men­tal and insur­ance con­cerns. There’s no way around it, but there is a way to get a firm grip on it.

NAFA’s Inter­na­tional Fleet Acad­emy (IFA) pro­vides fleet pro­fes­sion­als with global duties the trusted, inti­mate envi­ron­ment to dis­cuss such sub­jects, as well as the infor­ma­tion they need to take informed, proac­tive actions. The fourth annual IFA will take place Novem­ber 5–7 at Rosen Shin­gle Creek in Orlando, FL. On Thurs­day, Novem­ber 6, Bart Van­ham, Part­ner, BVH&C Con­sult­ing, Namur, Bel­gium presents ‘What You Need to Know about Fleet and Tax­a­tion around the Globe.’



VIDEO: Why You Should Attend NAFA's Int'l Fleet Academy

Any­one who’s charged with man­ag­ing fleets out­side of North Amer­ica can do them­selves a big favor by attend­ing NAFA’s Inter­na­tional Fleet Acad­emy in Orlando on Novem­ber 5, 6 & 7, and learn­ing from their peers how to do an even bet­ter job.

VIDEO: Are Autonomous Vehicles Coming Sooner Than You Think?
  Converging Technologies are Driving Big Changes

Advances in vehi­cle tech­nolo­gies around safety, col­li­sion avoid­ance, mon­i­tor­ing and more are con­verg­ing in a pow­er­ful way. And in some form or other, autonomous vehi­cles may not be all that far away.

Click here to watch video
VIDEO: Moving Vehicles Easily
  The Challenge of Many Vehicles in Many Places

Many fleet man­agers today have vehi­cles spread through­out the coun­try — and that presents chal­lenges when it comes to secur­ing and relo­cat­ing those vehi­cles con­ve­niently and eco­nom­i­cally. Luck­ily, there are com­pa­nies out there that can make that happen.

Click here to read more

The Fleet Spot

Wayne Smolda 2014 CEI’s Wayne Smolda to Present Top Fleet Executive Award at AFLA Conference

Wayne Smolda, founder and chief exec­u­tive offi­cer of the CEI Group, Inc. (CEI) will present the win­ner of this year’s Fleet Exec­u­tive of the Year award this week at the 2014 Con­fer­ence of the Auto­mo­tive Fleet & Leas­ing Asso­ci­a­tion (AFLA) in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Mr. Smolda will present the award at a spe­cial break­fast meet­ing hon­or­ing the association’s award win­ners on Tues­day, Sep­tem­ber 9.


telematics_update222 Fleet Telematics Solutions at Connected Fleets USA 2014

Con­nected Fleets USA 2014 Con­fer­ence (Novem­ber 21–22 — Atlanta) pre­vi­ously known as Telem­at­ics for Fleet Man­age­ment Con­fer­ence will tackle how fleet man­age­ment solu­tion are inte­grat­ing con­nec­tiv­ity to harass greater asset vis­i­bil­ity and fleet opti­miza­tion. Learn from hand-picked speak­ers from com­pa­nies such as: Donlen, Volvo Trucks, Daim­ler, LA Metro, Michi­gan DOT and Microsoft to drive growth in the matur­ing Amer­i­can market.

For a $100 dis­count on reg­is­tra­tion, please use code: 2582FMW

READ MORE about the conference.

Kathi Croze 2014 CEI to Present Its Government Fleet Accident Management Services at FLAGFA’s 2014 Fall Conference

The CEI Group, Inc. (CEI) will demon­strate its gov­ern­ment fleet acci­dent man­age­ment ser­vices at this week’s Florida Asso­ci­a­tion of Gov­ern­ment Fleet Admin­is­tra­tors (FLAGFA) 2014 Fall Con­fer­ence, the com­pany announced today.

Kathi Croze, CEI’s national sales man­ager for the gov­ern­ment fleet mar­ket, will rep­re­sent the com­pany at the three-day con­fer­ence at the Trade Winds Islands Resort in St. Pete’s Beach, Florida. The con­fer­ence will be held from Wednes­day, Sep­tem­ber 3, through Fri­day, Sep­tem­ber, with its trade exhibit on Thurs­day afternoon.


gas-apps 5 Free Apps to Save You Money on Gas

Whether you’re plan­ning the road trip of the cen­tury or just try­ing to get to work this sum­mer, gas prices are likely on your mind. Your smart­phone can be a pow­er­ful tool in your quest to find the cheap­est way to fill up your tank and make those pre­cious gal­lons last.

READ MORE about these apps that can save you money on gas.

Fleet Marketing  
Ed Pierce

While brand mar­keters for con­sumer com­pa­nies exploit the new web-created oppor­tu­ni­ties to catch buy­ers’ atten­tion, B2B mar­keters have had good rea­son to wait. The gen­eral con­sen­sus is that dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing com­prises cor­po­rate web­site and repet­i­tive cor­po­rate mes­sag­ing placed in ban­ner adver­tis­ing and in social media posts, tweets and pho­tos.

By Ed Pierce,

As a mar­ket­ing man­ager for a provider of fleet prod­ucts or ser­vices, you know that the first ques­tion an exec­u­tive will ask is “Where’s the value?” Are you really going to explain mar­ket­ing value based on Face­book “likes,” Twit­ter “fol­lows,” and Pin­ter­est “pins”? Not likely! It’s hard enough explain­ing the value of tra­di­tional adver­tis­ing mea­sures like cost-per-thousand, impres­sions, aware­ness and perceptions.

Okay, so why will dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing become an inte­gral part of every fleet provider’s inte­grated mar­ket­ing strat­egy?


The Mobile Employee  
Gregg Darish

When we asked Cor­po­rate Reim­burse­ment founder and exec­u­tive chair­man Gregg Dar­ish to give us some insight into the com­pany, he explained that the com­pany has evolved from its early focus on vehi­cle reim­burse­ment and is renam­ing and rebrand­ing the com­pany later this year to “Motus” – Latin for Motion.

“Now, our focus is pri­mar­ily on our clients’ mobile employ­ees and ensur­ing our clients have access to tech­nolo­gies, ser­vices and solu­tions that will equip those mobile employ­ees with the best solu­tions to con­duct their jobs in the most pro­duc­tive man­ner,” he explained.


Fleet Management  
Claude Masters

In a recent, wide-ranging dis­cus­sion with Claude Mas­ters, CAFM, NAFA Pres­i­dent and Man­ager of Vehi­cle Acqui­si­tion and Fuel at Florida Power and Light, we asked him to give us his thoughts on the chang­ing role of fleet man­agers and why a fleet’s image is so impor­tant.

Claude: I really think that the fleet man­agers of the future might look quite a bit dif­fer­ent from the way they look today. What I am see­ing is that more and more fleet man­agers are being asked to inter­act with com­pany exec­u­tives because of the pro­file of their vehi­cles and fleets in the indus­try today. Ten years ago, in most cases, top exec­u­tives didn’t pay much atten­tion to their fleet of vehi­cles other than they were a tool to get a job done.


Fleet Trends & Issues

overload-real-time-gps-tracking-alertsSet Up Real-Time GPS Tracking Alerts Correctly

GPS track­ing solu­tions give you access to such a large amount of fleet data, it can be entic­ing to set up too many real-time alerts in the attempt to obtain as much infor­ma­tion as pos­si­ble. Although you have access to an abun­dance of data, it is not nec­es­sary to view it all in real-time. You may be ask­ing your­self, “What’s nec­es­sary to know in real-time and what isn’t?” The answer is that you should only be receiv­ing alerts for excep­tions that occur that require imme­di­ate cor­rec­tion or action. GPS Insight allows you to cus­tomize very spe­cific alerts to be sent, and when they are sent, so that you only receive impor­tant and time-sensitive infor­ma­tion via alerts.


Auto-AccidentsCities With The Best — And Worst — Drivers

Sta­tis­tics sug­gest some areas of the U.S. inher­ently breed more cau­tious dri­vers, while oth­ers tend to spawn some of the most accident-prone motor-vehicle oper­a­tors on the road.

If auto safety is your num­ber one vehic­u­lar pri­or­ity, move to Ft. Collins, CO, which boasts the safest dri­vers in the nation accord­ing to the annual America’s Best Driver’s Report con­ducted by All­state Insur­ance Co.

READ MORE to find out the 10 best and the 10 worst.

body repairThe Fastest (And Slowest) States For Auto Repair

Hav­ing your car repaired after an acci­dent is never fun, but some of the pain can be alle­vi­ated by an effi­cient garage offer­ing speedy ser­vice. Believe it or not, such places do exist, and new data from Enter­prise shows where to find them.

Enterprise’s data comes from its Auto­mated Rental Man­age­ment Sys­tem (ARMS). That’s a soft­ware solu­tion designed by Enter­prise to facil­i­tate com­mu­ni­ca­tion between garages, cus­tomers, insur­ance com­pa­nies, and Enter­prise, “enabling shops to send elec­tronic rental reser­va­tions, vehi­cle sta­tus updates and auto­mated text or email cus­tomer notifications”.

READ MORE to find out how each state fares.

DSWW 2014NETS: Driving Your Safety Culture Home

The Net­work of Employ­ers for Traf­fic Safety (NETS) is call­ing on lead­ers of com­pa­nies and orga­ni­za­tions to adopt ele­ments of road safety for all employees—not just busi­ness dri­vers— as a core com­po­nent of the organization’s safety cul­ture. NETS has launched a free com­pre­hen­sive online tool kit to help ini­ti­ate or strengthen employee safety pro­grams by includ­ing road safety.

The 2014 Drive Safely Work Week (DSWW) tool kit, themed “Dri­ving your safety cul­ture home,” builds the case for exec­u­tive lead­er­ship to adopt safe dri­ving as a part of the cor­po­rate safety cul­ture and pro­vides low-cost steps to engage employ­ees with a start­ing point focused on seat belts and mobile device use while driving.


Fleet Remarketing  

With leas­ing con­tin­u­ing to gain momen­tum, CNW Research com­pared the con­tract resid­ual value pro­jec­tion with the likely actual value at the end of term.

CNW firm ana­lysts found that last month’s indus­try aver­age set­tled at 85.88 per­cent — a fig­ure rep­re­sent­ing the dif­fer­ence between the actual con­tract and the even­tual actual sale price. That aver­age has been on a steady rise since the begin­ning of the year when CNW pegged it at 84.65 per­cent back in January.

Of the six automak­ers included in the lat­est report, three brands had their level come in above the aver­age mark, and three other badges set­tle below it.

READ MORE about the findings

Fleet Technology  

Last year, when hack­ers Char­lie Miller and Chris Valasek showed they could hijack the steer­ing and brakes of a Ford Escape and a Toy­ota Prius with noth­ing but lap­tops con­nected to the cars, they raised two ques­tions: Could hack­ers per­form the same tricks wire­lessly, or even over the Inter­net? And even more press­ing: Is your spe­cific car vul­ner­a­ble, too?

If you own a Cadil­lac Escalade, a Jeep Chero­kee or an Infiniti Q50, you may not like the answer. READ MORE, and check out the chart of hack­able cars.

Fleet Safety  

Navdy, a San Francisco-based startup, announced a break­through Head-Up Dis­play (HUD) after­mar­ket car con­sole that allows dri­vers to access their smartphone’s apps while keep­ing their eyes on the road.

Dri­vers are three times more likely to get into an acci­dent when they take their eyes off the road to look down at a touch­screen. Built-in con­soles like Android Auto and Apple Carplay are just big­ger touch­screens that do noth­ing to solve the problem.

“Smart­phones were never designed to be used while dri­ving.” said Navdy co-founder and CEO Doug Simp­son. “Touch-based apps clearly force you to take your eyes off the road. So we started by com­pletely rethink­ing what the expe­ri­ence of using apps behind the wheel should feel like. Navdy is built from the ground up to be the safest and most intu­itive way to make calls, use nav­i­ga­tion, lis­ten to music or access noti­fi­ca­tions with­out ever look­ing away from the road.”

READ MORE to learn about Navdy’s offerings

Fleet Management Resources 
Offering a nationwide vehicle delivery and relocation service; serving the corporate and commercial fleet industry.
LeasePlan is the world's leading high-touch service provider for vehicle leasing and fleet management.
Customizing global fleet management to achieve your goals.
Driven fleet professionals. Driving results.
NAFA is the association for the diverse vehicle fleet management profession regardless of organizational type, geographic location, or fleet composition.
The CEI Group Inc.
North America's largest accident management and fleet driver safety company.
GPS Insight
GPS Insight offers GPS tracking solutions to meet your organization's unique requirements and challenges.
PARS' mission is to provide you with high-quality service at competitive prices for all of your transportation needs.