April 28, 2014
Editor's Analysis & Top Industry News

Sutton_Janice A Leap Forward for Fleet Sustainability

If you didn’t get a chance to read the entire report from a United Nations panel warn­ing of dire con­se­quences if gov­ern­ments do not step up their efforts to tem­per the pace of cli­mate change, this arti­cle from The New York Times gives some insight into what is hap­pen­ing now and what could lie ahead.

With that sober­ing news in mind, we were exul­tant to hear that NAFA and CALSTART are team­ing to develop a “Sus­tain­able Fleet Stan­dard Pro­gram.” Con­sid­er­ing the enor­mous impact fleets can make in this arena, we applaud this impor­tant step.

And speak­ing of impor­tance, let’s hear it for Florida Power & Light, for whom NAFA pres­i­dent Claude Mas­ters is Fleet Ser­vices Man­ager. On April 2nd, FPL was pre­sented with the EPA’s Clean Air Excel­lence Award for 2014. Con­grat­u­la­tions!

Drive Sus­tain­abil­ity,

Jan­ice Sut­ton
Exec­u­tive Editor

Masters_Claude Florida Power & Light Wins Prestigious EPA Award

On April 2, Florida Power & Light Com­pany (FPL) accepted the U.S. Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion Agency’s Clean Air Excel­lence Award for 2014, which hon­ors inno­v­a­tive pro­grams that ben­e­fit com­mu­ni­ties, the envi­ron­ment, and the econ­omy. NAFA Pres­i­dent and FPL Fleet Ser­vices Man­ager Claude Mas­ters, CAFM, and In-Home Tech­nolo­gies and Elec­tric Vehi­cles Direc­tor Brian Han­ra­han accepted the award on FPL’s behalf dur­ing the cer­e­monies held in Wash­ing­ton, D.C.

The EPA rec­og­nized FPL’s deploy­ment of fuel-efficient vehi­cle tech­nol­ogy; an impor­tant part of the utility’s over­all efforts to pro­vide elec­tric ser­vice to its 4.7 mil­lion cus­tomers through­out Florida.



VIDEO: NAFA's Int'l Fleet Academy

This year’s NAFA Inter­na­tional Fleet Acad­emy — from July 14–16 in Orlando — will spot­light Global Fleet Pro­cure­ment, with a vari­ety of expert insights on import­ing and export­ing. Don’t miss it!

VIDEO: Vehicle Lifecycle Management Made Easy
  Managing the Entire Lifecycle of a Vehicle

‘Miles,’ an ERP sys­tem from Sofico, cov­ers the entire life­cy­cle for the leas­ing of a vehi­cle: from selec­tion and con­fig­u­ra­tion all the way through remar­ket­ing — and all the processes in between — in a fully-integrated system.

Click here to watch video
VIDEO: Deep Fleet Industry Knowledge
  Deep Fleet Industry Knowledge at Mercury Associates

One of the most key dif­fer­en­tia­tors at Mer­cury Asso­ciates is that nearly every­one on their staff has been a Fleet Man­ager at one point or another … and that deep indus­try knowl­edge can make all the difference.

Click here to read more

The Fleet Spot

Croze_Kathi_CEI CEI’s Kathi Croze to Present at Police Fleet Conference

CEI will be pre­sent­ing case stud­ies of how gov­ern­ment and law enforce­ment vehi­cle fleets have saved time and money by out­sourc­ing their acci­dent man­age­ment activ­i­ties at the Police Fleet Expo-West 2014 show in Kansas City, MO, April 29 through May 2.

Rep­re­sent­ing CEI at the event will be Kathi Croze, national man­ager for gov­ern­ment fleet sales.

“Two of the main rea­sons gov­ern­ment fleets use CEI for col­li­sion repair ser­vices are that their repair cycle time is greatly reduced and the data we col­lect and return to them is in an eas­ily man­age­able for­mat,” said Ms. Croze.


Adam Laura MetroGistics Adds Adam Laura as Director of Strategic Accounts

Met­r­o­Gis­tics, a full-service vehi­cle trans­porta­tion com­pany, has announced the hir­ing of Adam Laura as direc­tor of strate­gic accounts. In this role, Adam will be respon­si­ble for main­tain­ing rela­tion­ships with key cus­tomer accounts as well as devel­op­ing and grow­ing Met­r­o­Gis­tics’ cus­tomer portfolio.


Joseph McKillips Joseph McKillips of Abbott Named New Chairperson of NETS

The Net­work of Employ­ers for Traf­fic Safety (NETS) has elected Joseph McKil­lips, Sr. Man­ager, Com­mer­cial Pro­gram Sup­port, Global Envi­ron­ment, Health, and Safety for Abbott, as NETS Board Chair­per­son for 2014 and 2015. McKil­lips replaces San­dra Lee, Direc­tor World­wide Fleet Safety for John­son & John­son, fol­low­ing a suc­cess­ful two-year term. McKil­lips has been a mem­ber of the NETS Board of Direc­tors since 2008.


Driver Safety  

CEI will demon­strate the new traf­fic safety cam­era vio­la­tion capa­bil­ity of its Dri­ver­Care™ online fleet safety and risk man­age­ment sys­tem at the insur­ance industry’s largest trade show in Den­ver, CO, April 27 – April 30.

The new func­tion­al­ity was devel­oped and oper­ates in coop­er­a­tion with Amer­i­can Traf­fic Solu­tions (ATS) Fleet Ser­vices, a lead­ing provider of road fleet toll and vio­la­tion man­age­ment solu­tions. Its capa­bil­i­ties include:

• Auto­mat­i­cally iden­ti­fy­ing and noti­fy­ing fleet dri­vers who receive traf­fic safety cam­era vio­la­tions, includ­ing those for speed­ing, run­ning red lights, fail­ing to pay tolls, ille­gal park­ing and ille­gally pass­ing school buses.


Fleet Sustainability  

NAFA is devel­op­ing a Sus­tain­able Fleet Stan­dard Pro­gram, which aims to increase effi­ciency, while reduc­ing emis­sions and fuel use. Devel­oped in con­junc­tion with CALSTART, the NAFA Sus­tain­able Fleet Stan­dard Pro­gram is one of its kind. With its devel­op­ment NAFA intends to pio­neer a move­ment in the fleet com­mu­nity which empha­sizes the eco­nomic and envi­ron­men­tal ben­e­fits and over­all impor­tance of sustainability.



Fleet Trends & Issues

reduce-labor-costs1Identify Drivers Who Pad Hours with GPS Tracking

One of the ben­e­fits of GPS fleet track­ing soft­ware is that it can help iden­tify dri­vers that pad hours or make unneeded stops through­out the day. It may not always seem like a big deal if dri­vers make an extra stop here and there, but when it hap­pens con­sis­tently, it can take a hit to your bot­tom line. It’s your right to know if dri­vers are work­ing when they say they are and if they are wast­ing com­pany fuel per­form­ing per­sonal errands.


donlen-logoDonlen Names Top Auction Award Winners

Donlen recently announced recip­i­ents of its annual Top Auc­tion Awards. Each year, Donlen rec­og­nizes top auto­mo­bile auc­tion part­ners that work closely with Donlen in its remar­ket­ing program.

“The part­ner­ship we form with auc­tion part­ners is a vital com­po­nent of our remar­ket­ing pro­gram and its suc­cess,” said Dan Pow­ers, Donlen Direc­tor of Vehi­cle Remar­ket­ing. “By con­sis­tently meet­ing, and in many cases exceed­ing our per­for­mance goals, this year’s auc­tion part­ners have demon­strated their com­mit­ment to our cus­tomers and to Donlen’s world-class remar­ket­ing program.”

READ MORE and See Who the Win­ners Were

ge-fleet-logoTen GE Capital Fleet Services Employees Earn Fleet Management Certifications

GE Cap­i­tal Fleet Ser­vices recently announced that ten of its staff mem­bers earned indi­vid­ual cer­ti­fi­ca­tion under NAFA’s Cer­ti­fied Auto­mo­tive Fleet Man­ager (CAFM) and Cer­ti­fied Auto­mo­tive Fleet Spe­cial­ist (CAFS) programs.

“Our cus­tomers are the ben­e­fi­cia­ries of our employ­ees’ fleet man­age­ment cer­ti­fi­ca­tion,” said Ken John­son, man­ag­ing direc­tor, Strate­gic Con­sult­ing and Fleet Man­age­ment Solu­tions at GE Cap­i­tal Fleet Ser­vices. “These rig­or­ous pro­grams set a high stan­dard of excel­lence, con­sis­tent with the level of fleet man­age­ment exper­tise our cus­tomers expect from us. We are very proud of the hard work and effort these indi­vid­u­als put into achiev­ing cer­ti­fi­ca­tion, which will allow them to fur­ther enhance our best-in-class ser­vice, oper­a­tions and support.”

READ MORE — and find out who was certified.

chevin-hqChevin Fleet Solutions Expands with New Offices in Belgium

Chevin Fleet Solu­tions is expand­ing its oper­a­tions by open­ing new expanded offices in Bel­gium. Fol­low­ing Chevin’s rapid growth in the pan-European mar­ket­place, these new offices will allow Chevin Fleet Solu­tions to more effec­tively sup­port its grow­ing client list of fleet oper­a­tors across Europe. In related news, Chevin also added two new addi­tional staff mem­bers in sup­port and project management.


Get Smart!  

Keep­ing up to date with the fast-changing land­scape of inter­na­tional fleet man­age­ment is a key dri­ver of suc­cess for the fleet pro­fes­sional tasked with global responsibilities.

NAFA Fleet Man­age­ment Asso­ci­a­tion, prov­ing again and again that it offers the gold stan­dard in fleet edu­ca­tion, is pre­sent­ing its 4th Annual Inter­na­tional Fleet Acad­emy this July in Orlando. At NAFA’s recent Insti­tute & Expo in Min­neapo­lis we talked with Peter Egan, part­ner at FleetVi­sion and a co-sponsor with NAFA for the Academy’s devel­op­ment, about the gen­e­sis of the Acad­emy and the value propo­si­tion for the expe­ri­enced global fleet man­ager as well as the man­ager newly charged with man­ag­ing a fleet out­side of North America.


On-Schedule Deliveries  

Con­sumers expect that prod­uct and ser­vice deliv­er­ies at their homes will be matched to their sched­ules, and a company’s abil­ity to make its sup­ply and ser­vice chains more dynamic will mean the dif­fer­ence between thriv­ing and being left behind. To meet this new stan­dard, Tel­o­gis intro­duces Tel­o­gis Appoint­ment as an exten­sion of its com­pre­hen­sive, cloud-based loca­tion intel­li­gence soft­ware plat­form and the lat­est addi­tion to the Tel­o­gis Route Plan­ning Suite.

Tel­o­gis Appoint­ment improves cus­tomer ser­vice by allow­ing con­sumers to choose deliv­ery win­dows that are most con­ve­nient for them while also being most cost effec­tive for the deliv­erer. It also helps ship­ping com­pa­nies reduce turn times by match­ing deliv­ery times to cus­tomers’ open times to receive goods, and push­ing ETAs to the receiv­ing par­ties via text or email – all in real time.


Driving the Global Fleet  

WEX Inc. recently announced that George Hogan has been appointed senior vice pres­i­dent, international.

Hogan joined WEX in 2007, and served as chief infor­ma­tion offi­cer and senior vice pres­i­dent. In 2012, he assumed respon­si­bil­ity of WEX Fleet One, and most recently served as gen­eral man­ager of fleet over-the-road and part­ner chan­nels. George’s inter­na­tional expe­ri­ence includes over­see­ing IT in Aus­tralia and New Zealand for WEX, and pre­vi­ously man­ag­ing global teams while employed at Visa.

David Maxsimic has decided to step down as pres­i­dent, inter­na­tional effec­tive June 1. Dur­ing the last 16 years, he has played an inte­gral role in exe­cut­ing WEX’s long-term growth strat­egy, expand­ing both the domes­tic fleet busi­ness and lead­ing our inter­na­tional expan­sion efforts.


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LeasePlan is the world's leading high-touch service provider for vehicle leasing and fleet management.
Customizing global fleet management to achieve your goals.
Driven fleet professionals. Driving results.
NAFA is the association for the diverse vehicle fleet management profession regardless of organizational type, geographic location, or fleet composition.
The CEI Group Inc.
North America's largest accident management and fleet driver safety company.
GPS Insight
GPS Insight offers GPS tracking solutions to meet your organization's unique requirements and challenges.
PARS' mission is to provide you with high-quality service at competitive prices for all of your transportation needs.