April 21, 2014
Editor's Analysis & Top Industry News

Sutton_Janice Distracted Driving Awareness

The National Safety Coun­cil has des­ig­nated April as Dis­tracted Dri­ving Aware­ness Month, and since this sub­ject res­onates so pro­foundly with fleets, we have a num­ber of arti­cles in this week’s issue deal­ing with it. ‘Dri­ven to Dis­trac­tion by Apple’s CarPlay?’ deals with the dis­tract­ing nature of Apple’s new in-vehicle info­tain­ment sys­tem. ‘Put the Brakes on Your Employ­ees’ Dis­tracted Dri­ving’ urges employ­ers to have a for­mal, strictly-enforced pol­icy against dis­tracted driving.

And do not miss CEI’s poignant video warn­ing about the dan­gers and con­se­quences of dis­tracted driving.

Jan­ice Sut­ton
Exec­u­tive Editor

CEI faces of distracted driving CEI’s DriverCare™ Fleet Safety Service Recognizes Distracted Driving Month with an Impactful Video

CEI is reach­ing out to its more than 100,000 Dri­ver­Care™ fleet cus­tomer dri­vers with a high-impact video warn­ing about the dan­gers dis­tracted dri­ving. It is fea­tured in this week’s Fleet Man­age­ment Weekly.

The video is the lat­est addi­tion to the library of dri­ving safety lessons and videos avail­able through its Dri­ver­Care fleet safety and risk man­age­ment ser­vice. It was released in recog­ni­tion of the nam­ing of April as “Dis­tracted Dri­ving Aware­ness Month” by the National Safety Council.


distracted DPS Stats Give Insight on Distracted Driving

Over a five-month period, 10 peo­ple died and 380 were injured as a result of dis­tracted dri­ving, accord­ing to the Ari­zona Depart­ment of Pub­lic Safety.

DPS held a five-day cam­paign this month to tar­get dis­tracted dri­ving through enforce­ment and edu­ca­tion, and in a newly released report, it released sta­tis­tics about crashes and cita­tions dur­ing that period along­side data gath­ered from Nov. 27 to April 1.



VIDEO: Controlling Costs via Alternative Fuels

As fleets hone in on man­ag­ing fuel expenses they’re look­ing at a vari­ety of alter­na­tive fuels, includ­ing CNG, Diesel, Propane, and more.

VIDEO: Acknowledging Distracted Driving
  April is Distracted Driving Month

CEI Stu­dios presents “Dis­tracted Dri­ving,” a video fea­tur­ing Brian Kin­niry, Senior Man­ager of Dri­ver­Care Risk and Safety Ser­vice, to acknowl­edge Dis­tracted Dri­ving Month.

Click here to watch video
VIDEO: Less Speeding for Your Fleet
  A 95% Reduction in All Speeding for Your Fleet?

A pow­er­ful com­bi­na­tion of in-cab real-time ver­bal men­tor­ing with accu­rate real-time speed limit report­ing can lead to a 95% reduc­tion of all speed­ing in your fleet. And less speed­ing means more safety.

Click here to read more

The Fleet Spot

Evan Marcus Evan Marcus, Keynoter: ‘It’s OK to Play’

Evan Mar­cus will give the keynote pre­sen­ta­tion at AFLA’s 2014 Mid-Year Forum on May 1st. Mar­cus offers prac­ti­cal ideas for becom­ing more joy­ful and effec­tive both pro­fes­sion­ally and per­son­ally. By becom­ing mas­ter­ful in the art of play you will pos­sess skills that are widely trans­fer­able, from man­ag­ing your time to strength­en­ing relationships.


Phil Moser Phil Moser: ‘Personal Safety for the Business Traveler’

Per­sonal Safety for busi­ness trav­el­ers can be a con­cern. These employ­ees are exposed to per­sonal safety haz­ards that are unique to their work envi­ron­ments. Included in Phil Moser’s pre­sen­ta­tion will be infor­ma­tion regard­ing car­jack­ing, police stops and fake police, air travel, hotel safety and street safety. Hear his pre­sen­ta­tion at AFLA’s 2014 Mid-Year Forum on May 1st.


pattullo-scott Scott Pattullo: ‘Fleet from 30,000 Feet: Where We’ve Been, Where We Are, and Where We’re Going’

Scott Pat­tullo, Senior Vice Pres­i­dent of Sales, Mar­ket­ing and Account Man­age­ment, Wheels, will give the AFLA 2012 Mid-Year Forum audi­ence a high-level overview of the past, cur­rent and future of the fleet vehi­cle indus­try on May 1st.


Distracted Driving  

April is Dis­tracted Dri­ving Aware­ness Month, but maybe the news hasn’t reached Apple yet. In recently announc­ing CarPlay, Apple said it was ‘giv­ing dri­vers a smarter, safer & more fun way to use iPhone in the car.’ Really?

By Michael Sheldrick, Senior Edi­tor, Fleet Man­age­ment Weekly

Last month at the Geneva Auto Show, Apple announced that a num­ber of OEMS — Fer­rari, Mercedes-Benz, and Volvo showed imple­men­ta­tions of Apple CarPlay. Since then, Hyundai announced that it will incor­po­rate CarPlay in the 2015 Sonata, avail­able some­time this sum­mer. Honda is also slated to release an imple­men­ta­tion, although a model hasn’t been named.

Apple is mak­ing much of the reduced ease with which com­mon in-vehicle info­tain­ment activ­i­ties can be com­pleted, includ­ing music, text-to-speech, hands-free voice calls, and maps and directions.


Distracted Driving  

Research shows that dis­trac­tions are respon­si­ble for nearly 80 per­cent of vehi­cle accidents.

By Daniel Brown, Risk Con­trol Tech­ni­cal Man­ager, Travelers

These days, most peo­ple under­stand that dis­tracted dri­ving is dan­ger­ous, yet the urge to stay con­nected and pro­duc­tive com­pels many to use their phones while dri­ving any­way. Research con­ducted by the Vir­ginia Tech Trans­porta­tion Insti­tute shows that these and other dis­trac­tions are respon­si­ble for nearly 80 per­cent of vehi­cle acci­dents, and the prob­lem isn’t just a con­cern for every­day drivers.



Fleet Trends & Issues

Randy OwenA Third-Party Expert’s View of Your Operation: Even the Best Fleets Need to Pay Attention!

Pre­sen­ter: Randy Owen, Mer­cury Asso­ciates, Inc.
June 4th 10:10am — 11:10am
Gov­ern­ment Fleet Expo & Con­fer­ence, San Diego, CA

Even the best-run fleets have room for improve­ment. An expe­ri­enced fleet con­sul­tant will reveal some of the most com­mon prob­lems he sees in his fleet audits and con­sul­ta­tions. Go behind closed doors to see sim­ple errors and mis­takes fleet man­agers of even the best fleets can avoid.

Mr. Owen is one of three co-founders of Mer­cury, the largest inde­pen­dent fleet man­age­ment con­sult­ing firm in North Amer­ica, which cel­e­brated its 10th anniver­sary in 2012.

Gov­ern­ment Fleet Expo & Con­fer­ence is an annual com­mu­nity gath­er­ing where pub­lic fleet pro­fes­sion­als can have real con­ver­sa­tions with their peers about daily chal­lenges, get fleet-specific train­ing, and access to the lat­est vehi­cles and tech­nol­ogy in the exhibit hall.

web-based-fleet-trackingGPS Fleet Tracking: The Benefits of Being Web-Based

Sure, it seems like all GPS track­ing soft­ware is now web-based, but have you ever won­dered why? There are many ben­e­fits that come along with hav­ing an advanced hosted solu­tion – it’s con­ve­nient, updates are eas­ily avail­able, and it can be quickly cus­tomized to any cus­tomer request.

Web-based fleet track­ing solu­tions allow you to login from any com­puter, tablet or smart­phone by sim­ply log­ging in to your account. READ MORE about the con­ve­nience of always hav­ing a bird’s eye view over fleet activity.

sprint drive firstSprint Recognizes National Distracted Driving Awareness Month

As the coun­try rec­og­nizes National Dis­tracted Dri­ving Aware­ness Month, Sprint is remind­ing wire­less con­sumers to focus on dri­ving while behind the wheel, to not text or email while dri­ving, and to encour­age oth­ers to pro­mote dri­ver safety in their local communities.

Accord­ing to a 2013 study on traf­fic safety cul­ture by the AAA Foun­da­tion for Traf­fic Safety, nearly all dri­vers view tex­ting or email­ing while dri­ving as a very seri­ous threat to their own per­sonal safety and con­sider it com­pletely unacceptable.


Drive Behavior  

A telem­at­ics solu­tion that effec­tively employs Real-Time Ver­bal Coach­ing (RTVC) can give fleets and fleet man­agers a means to make dra­matic strides towards improv­ing dri­ver behav­ior and road safety.

Real-time ver­bal coach­ing is proac­tive, not reac­tive — and can actu­ally pre­vent acci­dents and enforce com­pli­ance, instead of merely record­ing and report­ing the events that have already occurred.


Accident Management  

Luann Dunker­ley, national sales man­ager for truck fleet ser­vices for the CEI Group, Inc., is the 2014 recip­i­ent of the National Pri­vate Truck Council’s Mem­ber­ship Devel­op­ment Award. Ms. Dunker­ley was one of six to receive the council’s Pro­fes­sional Lead­er­ship Awards, which “rec­og­nize indi­vid­u­als who have made sig­nif­i­cant con­tri­bu­tions to the National Pri­vate Truck Coun­cil [NPTC], their pro­fes­sion and the pri­vate truck­ing community.”

We spoke with Luann recently about how truck fleets can save time and money by out­sourc­ing their acci­dent man­age­ment activities.


Driving the Global Fleet  
Jan Bouck­aert

Belgian-based fleet and leas­ing soft­ware solu­tions provider, Sofico, has embarked on a high-tech recruit­ment drive to locate top cal­iber, expe­ri­enced busi­ness and IT pro­fes­sion­als to fuel its plans for fur­ther growth, while still main­tain­ing a high level of ser­vice for exist­ing customers.

Sofico, whose cus­tomers man­age more than one mil­lion vehi­cles world­wide through its leas­ing and fleet man­age­ment sys­tems, has seen its rev­enue grow by 54% over the last five years, and is expect­ing to increase its per­ma­nent staff of 120 by around 20% by the end of this year.


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