Last week, Fleet Management Weekly’s Ted Roberts had the pleasure of interviewing the ebullient Mike Pitcher, immediate past president of LeasePlan USA. Our first video clip from that interview appears this week.
Highly respected within the industry, Pitcher is the embodiment of a compassionate, dynamic leader and is now a sought after speaker. Also an author; his book Seven eLements of Leadership for a New Breed of Leader speaks to the tenets that form the foundation of true leadership.
Senior editor Mark Boada pens a thought-provoking article about the state of America’s driving environment. It’s not just the dismal condition of our highways that is at cause – we drivers also bear some blame.
When we ask fleet managers what their number one mission is, invariably the answer is to control costs. Identifying opportunities for cost savings is the subject of Wheels’ newest White Paper: Factors That Influence Fleet Operating Costs. This excellent guide identifies the potential impact of the various factors on both overall fleet costs and on the driver.
Janice Sutton
Editor in Chief