The above quote, attributed to one A.A. Latimer, may be spot on for our virus-laden times. It’s likely that whatever you had budgeted for 2020 may now be rendered irrelevant or impossible. Ed Smith, president of Agile Fleet, tells us that 80 percent of fleet managers expect budget reductions next year. Smith offers us some sound solutions in Reducing Costs Due to COVID-19? Here are Some Ideas on Where to Cut.
In a helpful e-brief, Verizon Connect gives us some recommendations on strengthening our businesses to emerge stronger after this virus is defeated: Preparing for the post-COVID-19 Fleet – How to turn your downtown to uptime. This caught our eye immediately: “Get laser-focused on cost control.”
If you don’t know David Dunn, manager of Orlando’s fleet and facilities management division, we are delighted to introduce you to him. FMW interviewed Dunn for this article: Orlando’s Fleet: On the Cutting Edge of Sustainability. He has saved the city millions of dollars and made dramatic reductions in Orlando’s carbon footprint. How he did it is impressive!
Drive Safety and Stay Well!
Janice Sutton
Editor in Chief