Gas stations are impossible to miss. Every BP or Shell station has a lighted tower visible for miles, not to mention LED signs explaining prices for every fuel grade and how to pay. Plus amenities like brightly lit parking lots, restrooms and shopping plazas where you can get anything from a Coke and candy bar to souvenirs, elk jerky and a fresh, handmade sub.
Compared to that, finding an EV charger is a sadistic scavenger hunt. They lurk inside parking structures, at apparently random spots in public lots, behind car dealerships, on the least trafficked side of Meijer and Whole Foods. Snag a soda or use an adjacent restroom? Dream on.
“Part of the problem is that EV owners have apps to locate nearby stations, but people who don’t have an EV don’t even know the apps exist, much less the chargers,” said Chelsea Sexton, EV advocate and a consulting producer for the documentary “Revenge of the Electric Car.”
Read the article at Detroit Free Press.