First in a Series on the Benefits and How to Select, Implement and Optimize
By Randy Read, President, EnVue Telematics
There are many good telematics products in the marketplace today. The basic platforms of most of these products have more similarities than they do differentiators. The “secret sauce,” if you will, is in how we use telematics to produce and optimize value — value that is quantifiable and sustainable.
My focus will not be to promote any particular product but to share my experiences and best practices; ideas I have gathered from working with companies of all different sizes in all types of business verticals and with products from a number of different providers.
The purpose of my article today, and the subsequent ones to follow are to share some of the proven strategies for how to create sustainable, maximum value for your organization with the use of telematics and complementary technology products, and how to enhance the values your existing technologies can deliver.