June 23, 2014
Editor's Analysis & Top Industry News

Sutton_Janice Fleet Conferences: Be Inspired, Get Educated, Network!

Have you vis­ited AFLA’s hand­some, newly-redesigned web­site? We talked with AFLA exec­u­tive direc­tor Bill Elliott last week about excit­ing plans devel­op­ing for the upcom­ing 2014 AFLA con­fer­ence at the M Resort & Spa Casino in Las Vegas. If you haven’t reg­is­tered yet, you’ll want to think about doing that before July 11th, when early rates – a sav­ings of $115 – expire. The con­fer­ence will be held this year from Sep­tem­ber 7th, when the Women in Fleet Man­age­ment Work­shop kicks off the event, until Sep­tem­ber 10th. There is a lot to like about this annual con­fer­ence – excel­lent keynote pre­sen­ta­tions, mean­ing­ful work­shops and some out­stand­ing net­work­ing opportunities.

Speak­ing of fleet con­fer­ences, the dates for NAFA’s pop­u­lar Inter­na­tional Fleet Acad­emy have been changed to Novem­ber 5–7; the venue – the beau­ti­ful Rosen Shin­gle Creek Resort in Orlando – remains the same. Reg­is­ter by Sep­tem­ber 30 and save $100!

Not an inter­na­tional fleet man­ager but would like to learn more about man­ag­ing your fleet? Check out NAFA’s Essen­tials of Fleet Man­age­ment sem­i­nars slated for Orlando and Mon­treal this summer.

Jan­ice Sut­ton
Exec­u­tive Editor

Con­nect with us
Fol­low us

global fleet Global Fleet Services Launches Revamped Website

Global Fleet Ser­vices (GFS) intro­duced a com­pletely remod­eled web­site which rep­re­sents the organization’s vision for the future of global fleet man­age­ment. The redesigned web­site serves as a greater resource for fleet man­agers, deliv­er­ing improved func­tion­al­ity and serv­ing as a resource for a wide-range of indus­try information.

“Our new web­site sup­ports our strate­gic focus and allows us to solid­ify our global pres­ence and bet­ter serve the needs of our clients who con­tinue to grow inter­na­tion­ally,” said Jim Creighton, chair­man of the board for Global Fleet Ser­vices and vice pres­i­dent, global strat­egy and alliances at ARI.



VIDEO: The Genesis of NAFA's Int'l Fleet Academy

NAFA’s Inter­na­tional Fleet Acad­emy was orig­i­nally designed to focus on North Amer­i­can fleet man­agers who’ve been given global respon­si­bil­i­ties — and it’s grown and expanded to cover top­ics like insur­ance and more. It hap­pens Novem­ber 5–7 in Orlando, Click Here to Reg­is­ter.

VIDEO: Smart Work Truck Strategies
  Your Work Truck Advocate: The NTEA

The main pur­pose of the NTEA is to ensure that the vehi­cles fleets pur­chase are what they really need — and that those fleet man­agers under­stand the issues fac­ing man­u­fac­tur­ers dis­trib­u­tors and upfit­ters (and vice versa).

Click here to watch video
VIDEO: The Power of Telematics
  Telematics Data Aids in Accident Services

Whether it’s about improv­ing the pro­duc­tiv­ity of dri­vers and assets, reduc­ing costs and improv­ing safety out­comes, or assist­ing with acci­dent ser­vices — the highly ben­e­fi­cial role of telem­at­ics data in the fleet indus­try is con­stantly chang­ing and expanding.

Click here to read more

The Fleet Spot

Wheels 75th logo Wheels Client Analytics Team Earns Silver ‘Stevie’

Wheels, Inc. has won a Sil­ver Amer­i­can Busi­ness Award (aka a “Ste­vie”) in the Sup­port Team of the Year cat­e­gory. The award rec­og­nizes the con­tri­bu­tions the Wheels Client Ana­lyt­ics team has made in refin­ing its data inter­pre­ta­tion processes to bet­ter com­mu­ni­cate fleet per­for­mance sta­tis­tics to each Wheels client.

“Our cus­tomers – both inter­nal and exter­nal – are enjoy­ing unprece­dented lev­els of effi­ciency in receiv­ing the reports they need to accu­rately quan­tify fleet per­for­mance and drive opti­mal fleet deci­sions,” said Bob Black, Direc­tor of Client Ana­lyt­ics at Wheels. “The Client Ana­lyt­ics team has been a big con­trib­u­tor to that suc­cess, and we are hon­ored that our efforts have been rec­og­nized by the Amer­i­can Busi­ness Awards.”


NCSFA new logo 2011 NCSFA Announces Three Upcoming Educational and Networking Opportunities!

NCSFA Webi­nar 
July 15, 2014 10:00 — 11:00 a.m. CST

Effec­tive Work Truck Spec­i­fi­ca­tions, The First Step Toward Con­trol­ling Your Fleet Costs

Join Bob John­son, Direc­tor of Fleet Rela­tions of the NTEA, National Truck Equip­ment Asso­ci­a­tion. Learn how proper design and spec­i­fi­ca­tions can impact your fleet’s life cycle costs. This webi­nar will pro­vide an overview of the over­all design process, point out com­mon pit­falls, and review effec­tive spec­i­fi­ca­tions writ­ing prac­tices. It will also iden­tify resources avail­able to the new truck designer to assist them in design­ing and spec’ing an effec­tive work truck.

NCSFA Round­table Dis­cus­sion
August 13, 2014, 2:00 — 3:00 CST

You pick the top­ics! Sub­mit your advance ques­tions on the reg­is­tra­tion form and gain insight from fel­low fleet man­agers are your most press­ing issues.

NCSFA State Fleet Manager’s Work­shop
Octo­ber 7 — 9th
Burling­ton, Vermont

gpsi-trucks Webinar: How Oil & Gas Fleets Use GPS Tracking Technology

Learn how a large Oil & Gas com­pany finds a tremen­dous amount of value in GPS track­ing tech­nol­ogy. GPS Insight will share how loca­tion intel­li­gence allows you to improve employee pro­duc­tiv­ity, dri­ver per­for­mance, safety, and much more.

This free, can’t-miss Webi­nar hap­pens this Wednes­day (June 25th) at 2pm East­ern / 11am Pacific — and we’re pos­i­tive this webi­nar will spark new ideas on how you can lever­age this valu­able tech­nol­ogy for your business.

Sign Up Now!

Work Truck Fleet Management  

As a Senior Global Account Man­ager at Wheels, Scott Singskank works with both the Account Man­ager and the client to help under­stand each client’s needs on a global level.

He then devel­ops an ongo­ing pro­gram that will achieve those goals and mea­sure over­all success.

With a deep knowl­edge of the fleet indus­try, Scott under­stands the impor­tance of good cus­tomer ser­vice, project man­age­ment and strate­gic con­sult­ing. He is focused on help­ing fleets reach their goals, whether it’s man­ag­ing costs or increas­ing productivity.


NTEA - Association for the Work Truck Industry  

Bob John­son is direc­tor of fleet rela­tions at NTEA – the Asso­ci­a­tion for the Work Truck Indus­try. When we asked him to tell us about con­cerns that fleets are rais­ing with him, he said, “The indus­try has lit­er­ally seen hun­dreds of dif­fer­ent sus­tain­able tech­nolo­gies intro­duced in the last few years. The big issue with fleets is: How can those tech­nolo­gies ben­e­fit me and how can I select the cor­rect tech­nol­ogy for my application?

“We have done a lot of work in that area, pro­vid­ing a means for the end users to under­stand what the dif­fer­ent tech­nolo­gies are and how they can be implemented.”


Vehicle Quality  

The num­ber of prob­lems expe­ri­enced by new-vehicle own­ers has increased from the pre­vi­ous year, as automak­ers con­tin­ued to be chal­lenged when intro­duc­ing sophis­ti­cated tech­nolo­gies in new vehi­cles, accord­ing to the J.D. Power 2014 U.S. Ini­tial Qual­ity StudySM (IQS) released last week.

The study finds that over­all ini­tial qual­ity aver­ages 116 PP100, a 3 per­cent increase in prob­lems from 113 PP100 in 2013. This year’s increase in prob­lems fol­lows a sim­i­lar increase found in the J.D. Power U.S. 2014 Vehi­cle Depend­abil­ity Study (VDS) released in Feb­ru­ary, which mea­sures prob­lems expe­ri­enced after three years of ownership.


Fleet Trends & Issues

summer driving10 Summer Driving Mistakes

The offi­cial start of sum­mer was this past Sat­ur­day, June 21, when most every­one hits the road for vaca­tions and other sun-filled trips. But before you pack up the car and take to the high­way, make sure you don’t make these mis­takes that could either be dan­ger­ous or cost you time and money.

  • Not hav­ing a plan. Before you head out, have a route in mind and be aware of obsta­cles such as heavy traf­fic or sum­mer con­struc­tion. Plan in some well-thought-out detours so you don’t go through major cities dur­ing rush hour and avoid wast­ing time. Have a GPS or cell phone map app avail­able, but remem­ber to pro­gram them while you’re not dri­ving to avoid distractions.

READ MORE for the remain­ing tips.

2015 Ford Mustang Active Glovebox Knee AirbagAll-new Knee Airbag Design for 2015 Ford Mustang

Ford is intro­duc­ing an all-new inflat­able airbag restraint design that pro­vides the front seat pas­sen­ger with knee airbag pro­tec­tion while sig­nif­i­cantly reduc­ing sys­tem size and weight.

It’s the first pas­sen­ger knee airbag pack­aged inside the glove box door. The result­ing design is 65% lighter with an infla­tor that is approx­i­mately 75% smaller than a con­ven­tional knee airbag inflator.

Since the glove box-integrated airbag extends straight out from the instru­ment panel, it doesn’t have to travel as far as a con­ven­tional airbag, which deploys toward the floor before curv­ing upward.

The new airbag will be intro­duced later this year as part of a stan­dard com­pre­hen­sive safety sys­tem that includes a more robust pack­age of sen­sors, safety belt anchor pre­ten­sion­ers, improved exte­rior light­ing and dou­ble the total num­ber of airbags on the all-new 2015 Ford Mustang.

READ MORE to learn about another Ford offering.

edmunds_logo22Honda and Acura Again Take Edmund’s Retained Value Awards

Honda and Acura each won the top prize in Edmunds’ Best Retained Value Awards – with each win­ning for the third time since the awards were launched in 2011. Honda’s non-luxury vehi­cle award is based on a pro­jected 50.1% resid­ual value after five years, and Acura’s lux­ury award is based on a 45.4% resid­ual after that same time period. It’s based on aver­age “cash” True Mar­ket Value (TMV) pric­ing dur­ing a vehicle’s first five months in the market.

Tuning into Tesla  

Here’s a provoca­tive thought: In two years, “Tesla Motors has trans­formed [itself] from fledg­ling start-up to arguably the most impor­tant car com­pany in the world.” That’s from Adam Jonas, a Mor­gan Stan­ley ana­lyst. He felt com­pelled to add, how­ever, that “We are not joking.”

In his report in the Los Ange­les Times, he spelled out his reasons:


Fuel Management  

Hot weather actu­ally can reduce your fuel con­sump­tion – at least if you fol­low some basic tips.

“Under very hot con­di­tions, AC can reduce a con­ven­tional vehicle’s fuel econ­omy by more than 25%,” notes new guide­lines posted on Fueleconomy.gov. The impact of run­ning your air con­di­tion­ing in a hybrid, plug-in or battery-electric vehi­cle “can be even larger on a per­cent­age basis,” it notes.

In the days before AC , you’d likely keep your win­dows open while dri­ving on a hot day. Today’s vehi­cles are designed to max­i­mize aero­dy­nam­ics and the added drag of leav­ing your win­dow open is likely to use more fuel than run­ning your AC.

READ MORE to get the tips.

Driving the Global Fleet  

Global fleet and leas­ing soft­ware solu­tions provider, Sofico, has intro­duced a new autonomous, regional-focused struc­ture to get closer to its cus­tomers as well as under­pin­ning its con­tin­ued expansion.

The Belgian-based busi­ness, whose soft­ware man­ages over one mil­lion fleet vehi­cles world­wide, will now revolve around seven regional units, backed by a series of process-specific sup­port units.

Jan Bouck­aert, Head of Busi­ness Devel­op­ment at Sofico, said: “Our cus­tomers will now have a spe­cific team ded­i­cated to them, while our staff can build up a more detailed knowl­edge of each customer’s mar­ket specifics and the way they cus­tomize Miles to run their fleet.”


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