April 7, 2014
Editor's Analysis & Top Industry News

Sutton_Janice Minneapolis On Our Minds!

Every year, NAFA Fleet Man­age­ment Asso­ci­a­tion’s staff and lead­er­ship team set about top­ping the pre­vi­ous year’s Insti­tute & Expo, so we are ter­ri­bly excited to learn what this superb orga­ni­za­tion has in store for us this week. We’re think­ing about the many edu­ca­tional offer­ings, excit­ing keynote speak­ers, net­work­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties galore, and the Fleet Excel­lence Awards Gala on Tues­day evening. And so much more. If you haven’t reg­is­tered, there is still time to do that at the Con­ven­tion Cen­ter this week.

Rep­re­sent­ing the Fleet Man­age­ment Weekly team for the Min­neapo­lis event will be Ted Roberts, Chief Oper­at­ing Offi­cer, Mike Sheldrick, Senior Edi­tor, and me. On a per­sonal note, I’m delighted to be mod­er­at­ing the Fleet Man­age­ment Com­pany Panel: ‘Top Fleet Chal­lenges (and Oppor­tu­ni­ties).”

We hope to meet you in Minneapolis!

Jan­ice Sut­ton
Exec­u­tive Editor

top 100 LeasePlan Recognized on Top Workplaces List for Fourth Consecutive Year

Lease­Plan USA is pleased to announce that they have been selected as one of The Atlanta Journal-Constitution Top Work­places for the fourth con­sec­u­tive year.

At Lease­Plan, the focus of their employ­ees is not only deliv­er­ing high-touch ser­vice to their clients but cre­at­ing a cul­ture of suc­cess that each employee is proud to be a part of.

With a recent client sat­is­fac­tion score of 98 per­cent, Lease­Plan stands firm on the belief that happy employ­ees help deliver happy clients.


ARI logo from video 2014 InformationWeek Elite 100 Ranks ARI #7

ARI ranked #7 on this year’s Infor­ma­tion­Week Elite 100, a list of the top busi­ness tech­nol­ogy inno­va­tors in the U.S. ARI was pre­sented with this award on April 1 at the Infor­ma­tion­Week Elite 100 awards cer­e­mony and gala in Las Vegas, Nevada

“It is an honor to be rec­og­nized for the third time by Infor­ma­tion­Week as a top busi­ness tech­nol­ogy inno­va­tor and to be named among the top ten of this year’s Elite 100,” said ARI Exec­u­tive Vice Pres­i­dent and CIO Steve Haindl.



VIDEO: NAFA Keynote Speaker Asks 'Why'?

NAFA Keynote Speaker Simon Sinek will explore how great teams inspire deep trust and loy­alty to their orga­ni­za­tions — and each other — in his much antic­i­pated new book “Lead­ers Eat Last.”

VIDEO: Smart Fleet Logistics
  Complex Coordination That Features Fantastic Service

PARS offers a breadth of dri­vers, many of whom are adept with com­plex logis­ti­cal coor­di­na­tions that include per­mits, licens­ing, and require­ments — always with an impres­sive level of cus­tomer service.

Click here to watch video
VIDEO: Fleets and Alternative Fuel Vehicles
  A Holistic View of Alternative Fuel Vehicles

When con­sid­er­ing alter­na­tive fuel vehi­cles for your fleet, it’s impor­tant to take a holis­tic view that includes fuel­ing, ser­vice and main­te­nance, and the resid­ual val­ues of the vehicles.

Click here to read more

The Fleet Spot

Kate Vigneau 2014 Katherine Vigneau Senior Manager at Mercury Associates New Canadian Office

Mer­cury Asso­ciates, Inc., an inde­pen­dent fleet man­age­ment con­sult­ing firm in North Amer­ica, has opened a Cana­dian office in Mid­hurst, Ontario, a sub­urb of Toronto. Mercury’s Cana­dian fleet con­sult­ing ser­vices will be man­aged by two of Canada’s best known fleet man­age­ment pro­fes­sion­als, Kather­ine Vigneau, CAFM and Bannu Hur­tig.

Vigneau recently joined Mer­cury as a Senior Man­ager. Pre­vi­ously, she spent more than 26 years in the Cana­dian Army, hold­ing var­i­ous posi­tions in logis­tics and trans­porta­tion, both in Canada and abroad, includ­ing serv­ing as the Army’s Fleet Man­ager, respon­si­ble for pol­icy over­sight and man­age­ment of a fleet of over 32,000 vehicles.


Bannu Hurtig Bannu Hurtig Senior Consultant at Mercury Associates Canada

Bannu Hur­tig joined Mer­cury Asso­ciates as a Senior Con­sul­tant after retir­ing from Bell Canada Enter­prises, Inc. Dur­ing her 28 years at Bell, she held man­age­ment posi­tions in wire­less tech­nol­ogy, mar­ket­ing, net­work tech­nol­ogy, and as Man­ag­ing Direc­tor of Bell’s Vehi­cle Fleet Solu­tions orga­ni­za­tion, with a nation­wide fleet of 13,000+ vehi­cles for upwards of 15 sub­sidiaries of Bell.


Rob Wentworth-James Rob Wentworth-James Appointed Corporate Sales Director at Fleet Alliance

Fleet Alliance has appointed Rob Wentworth-James to the newly cre­ated role of Cor­po­rate Sales Director.

Wentworth-James was pre­vi­ously Head of Sales and Mar­ket­ing at New­port Pagnell-based fleet man­age­ment spe­cial­ist, CLM, where he worked for the pre­vi­ous 17 years. Prior to this, he was employed by GE Cap­i­tal Fleet Ser­vices as the new busi­ness man­ager of the Key Accounts team.

In his new role at Fleet Alliance, Wentworth-James will be tasked with enhanc­ing the company’s fleet man­age­ment capa­bil­ity and tar­get­ing larger fleets than the com­pany has pre­vi­ously targeted.


NAFA Institute & Expo - Women in Fleet  

Lease­Plan’s CEO, Mike Pitcher, will be speak­ing at the Women in Fleet Man­age­ment (WIFM) event dur­ing the NAFA I&E with his cap­ti­vat­ing ses­sion, Me, Inc. Me, Inc. has a core objec­tive to get peo­ple think­ing about the pos­si­bil­i­ties and the oppor­tu­ni­ties each per­son has as a leader. It will touch on the influ­ence that each per­son can have on those around them and the changes peo­ple can make that will deliver imme­di­ate results. This moti­vat­ing ses­sion is a must see and will be a pos­i­tive experience.

NAFA atten­dees will also have a chance to attend ses­sions with other Lease­Plan experts like, Jon Toups, chief sales and mar­ket­ing offi­cer will share his exper­tise on dri­ver man­age­ment as part of the Exec­u­tive panel, Dan Shive, vice pres­i­dent of risk man­age­ment will be lead­ing the ses­sion, Coura­geous Lead­er­ship: Empow­er­ing You to Speak, that will have a focus on safety and Tony Blezien, vice pres­i­dent of oper­a­tions who will share his ideas on the future of fleet main­te­nance.


NAFA Institute & Expo - Driver Safety  

The CEI Group, Inc. (CEI), a provider of acci­dent man­age­ment, dri­ver safety and risk man­age­ment for auto­mo­tive fleets, will pro­vide pre­views of its new online and mobile tech­nol­ogy for 2014 at the NAFA Fleet Man­age­ment Asso­ci­a­tion Insti­tute & Expo this week at the Min­neapo­lis Con­ven­tion Cen­ter. CEI will be exhibit­ing in booth 1527

Among the new tech­nol­ogy solu­tions CEI will be unveil­ing are:

  • Dri­ver­Care™ Mobile, a mobile appli­ca­tion for its dri­ver acci­dent report­ing system.
  • Dri­ver­Care 5.0, a com­pletely new release of its sig­na­ture Dri­ver­Care Risk Man­ager ™ appli­ca­tion that is now fully inte­grated for fleet man­ager use with its Claim­sLink Express Lane™ acci­dent man­age­ment application.
  • The abil­ity to link traf­fic safety cam­era vio­la­tions to the fleet dri­vers who incur them, incor­po­rate those vio­la­tions into dri­vers’ risk pro­files, and col­lect pay­ments for fines.


Fleet Trends & Issues

gpsi-tracking-sofwareAre You Under-Utilizing Your GPS Fleet Tracking Solution?

Some users only rou­tinely check their solu­tion to view cur­rent loca­tions of their vehi­cles and don’t real­ize all the fea­tures that are included in what they are already pay­ing for now. Make sure you are fully uti­liz­ing your soft­ware because with advanced fleet track­ing soft­ware, like GPS Insight, you should have access to advanced reports, alerts, and map­ping – all along with the most cur­rent loca­tion infor­ma­tion.


green carGuidelines for Reducing a Fleet’s Carbon Footprint

Min­i­miz­ing a fleet’s envi­ron­men­tal impact can seem daunt­ing and over­whelm­ing for even the most vet­eran fleet manager.

The fol­low­ing sim­ple green fleet strate­gies pro­vided by ARI, may not deliver dras­tic changes overnight, but by imple­ment­ing sev­eral of these ini­tia­tives in com­bi­na­tion, they will help a fleet real­ize incre­men­tal fuel sav­ings and reduce its car­bon footprint.


fuel economyGas Mileage at All-Time High

Fuel econ­omy of new vehi­cles sold in the U.S. is now at its best mark ever, say researchers at the Uni­ver­sity of Michi­gan Trans­porta­tion Research Institute.

Aver­age fuel econ­omy (window-sticker val­ues) of cars, light trucks, vans and SUVs pur­chased in March was 25.4 mpg, up 0.3 mpg from a revised Feb­ru­ary fig­ure and 5.3 mpg from Octo­ber 2007, the first full month of mon­i­tor­ing, accord­ing to UMTRI researchers Michael Sivak and Bran­don Schoettle.


my key 2Ford MyKey Popularity Grows with Fleet Owners

MyKey is aid­ing fleet own­ers by sig­nal­ing when a cer­tain dri­ver has exceeded a pre-determined top speed. It also pre­vents fleet dri­vers from being dis­tracted by lim­it­ing the stereo system’s vol­ume, while Active City Stop and Trac­tion Con­trol are pre­vented from being disabled.

“MyKey has been a great tool for fleet man­agers, giv­ing them a tech­nol­ogy that encour­ages good dri­ving habits for their employ­ees,” said Megan Gillam, com­mer­cial vehi­cles brand and fleet com­mu­ni­ca­tions man­ager for Ford Motor Company.


NAFA I&E - Fleet Technology  

ARI® will be on hand at this week’s NAFA Insti­tute & Expo to demon­strate the company’s state-of-the-art tech­nol­ogy and inno­v­a­tive fleet man­age­ment solutions.

ARI’s award-winning infor­ma­tion tech­nol­ogy team will be avail­able in Booth #1301 to dis­cuss how ARI’s sys­tems can help bring trans­parency to a fleet’s oper­a­tions while pro­vid­ing fleet man­agers with the infor­ma­tion they need to make bet­ter, faster deci­sions that drive effi­ciency and lower costs. Mem­bers of ARI’s client rela­tions team will be there as well to talk with atten­dees and answer ques­tions about the company’s fleet man­age­ment services.

In addi­tion, three ARI fleet experts — Chris Fos­ter, Den­nis Saric and Bob White — will par­tic­i­pate in NAFA Insti­tute sessions.


Fleet Relocation  

PARS is cel­e­brat­ing 15 suc­cess­ful years in the vehi­cle loca­tion busi­ness this year, and they’re very proud to help their (very sat­is­fied) cus­tomers through each and every step of that process. Between Bill of Lad­ing and Deliv­ery of the vehi­cle, PARS pro­vides tons of ser­vices in between – includ­ing DMV Inspec­tions, Stor­age, Repairs, and Recon­di­tion­ing – just to name a few.

“PARS has really evolved and grown around its cus­tomers, cre­at­ing highly dynamic part­ner­ships. Our clients’ cus­tomers are demand­ing, which means we have tai­lored our ser­vices to meet their demands – essen­tially becom­ing an exten­sion of those orga­ni­za­tions,” said John Ross, Inter­nal Cus­tomer Sup­port Man­ager, PARS.


Driving the Global Fleet  

Focus on fuel process, not just fuel rebates, says FleetVision

Although fuel prices con­tinue to rise across Europe, best prac­tice fuel man­age­ment is less about nego­ti­at­ing the best rebates and more about man­ag­ing and mon­i­tor­ing fuel expen­di­ture more effi­ciently to drive down costs.

So says Tobias Kern, senior con­sul­tant at Brussels-based global fleet con­sul­tancy, FleetVi­sion, who has recently com­pleted a pan Euro­pean fuel ten­der process on behalf of a global PR and mar­ket­ing agency which oper­ates around 3,000 vehi­cles in 11 coun­tries across Europe.


Fleet Management Resources 
Offering a nationwide vehicle delivery and relocation service; serving the corporate and commercial fleet industry.
LeasePlan is the world's leading high-touch service provider for vehicle leasing and fleet management.
Customizing global fleet management to achieve your goals.
Driven fleet professionals. Driving results.
NAFA is the association for the diverse vehicle fleet management profession regardless of organizational type, geographic location, or fleet composition.
The CEI Group Inc.
North America's largest accident management and fleet driver safety company.
GPS Insight
GPS Insight offers GPS tracking solutions to meet your organization's unique requirements and challenges.
PARS' mission is to provide you with high-quality service at competitive prices for all of your transportation needs.