March 24, 2014
Editor's Analysis & Top Industry News

Sutton_Janice Honoring the Past, Celebrating the Future!

An alumna of Wheels myself, I take great plea­sure in wish­ing this fine com­pany, birthing an indus­try in 1939, a Happy 75th Anniver­sary. After you have read our arti­cle in Fleet Mile­stones, check out their His­tory, filled with fas­ci­nat­ing “firsts.”

NAFA I&E is a short two weeks away. Just in case you haven’t yet reg­is­tered, it is not too late! Scroll through the 2014 Detailed Pro­gram and you’ll see com­pelling rea­sons why you need to be in Min­neapo­lis next month. Oh, and Net­work­ing! It doesn’t get bet­ter than this!

Drive Safety,

Jan­ice Sut­ton
Exec­u­tive Editor

AFLA_Logo_NCDs.gif Register Now: AFLA 2014 Mid-Year Forum

Mark your cal­en­dars for the AFLA 2014 Mid-Year Forum

May 1, 2014 — 9 AM — 3 PM — The Enter­prise Cen­ter at Burling­ton County Col­lege, Mt Lau­rel, NJ.

  • “Fleet at 30,000 Feet: Where We’ve Been, Where We Are, and Where We’re Going“
    Scott Pat­tullo, Senior Vice Pres­i­dent of Sales, Mar­ket­ing and Account Man­age­ment, Wheels
  • “Per­sonal Safety for the Busi­ness Trav­eler“
    Phil Moser, Vice Pres­i­dent, Advanced Dri­ver Train­ing Services
  • “It’s O.K. to Play“
    Keynote Speaker: Evan Mar­cus, Dil­lon Marcus

The one day event includes break­fast and lunch. Space is lim­ited, so secure your spot by reg­is­ter­ing today!
Reg­is­tra­tion is $100 for AFLA mem­bers and $125 for non-members.


VIDEO: The Urgency of Work Truck Transport

AmeriFleet’s Work Truck Trans­port brings the company’s exper­tise in auto­mo­bile and SUV relo­ca­tion to the work truck indus­try safely and respon­si­bly, mak­ing sure that vehi­cles are turnkey-ready.

VIDEO: Vehicle Lifespans Today
  Average Vehicle Lifespan Keeps Growing

The aver­age fleet vehi­cle lifes­pan for cars used to be about 65,00 miles, and the aver­age vehi­cle lifes­pan for trucks used to be around 85,000 miles — but aver­age vehi­cle lifes­pans today are much greater.

Click here to watch video
VIDEO: Telematics Today
  The Connected Ecosystem of Telematics

The inter­con­nected ben­e­fits of telem­at­ics mean you can save money on fuel, mea­sure and improve uti­liza­tion of your fleet & resources, encour­age improve­ments in safety, and empower your employ­ees to do a bet­ter job.

Click here to read more

The Fleet Spot

Croze_Kathi_CEI CEI’s Kathi Croze to Speak on How Government Fleets Have Saved Time and Money Outsourcing Accident Management

Kathi Croze, CEI’s national sales man­ager for the gov­ern­ment fleet mar­ket, will be one of the pre­sen­ters at the Okla­homa Pub­lic Fleet Man­agers Asso­ci­a­tion (OPFMA) meet­ing next month, where the topic will be “Fleet Best Prac­tices, Suc­cess Sto­ries and Cur­rent Challenges”.

Ms. Croze will demon­strate to Okla­homa fleet man­agers how gov­ern­ment fleets across the coun­try have saved time and money by out­sourc­ing their acci­dent man­age­ment activ­i­ties, and will cite case stud­ies show­ing how the results were achieved.


John Cordova AmeriFleet Names John Cordova West Coast Director of Sales of Sales

John Cor­dova has joined Amer­i­Fleet as Direc­tor of Sales for the West Coast, work­ing out of AmeriFleet’s Den­ver Office. Cor­dova comes to Amer­i­Fleet after a lengthy stint as a Ter­ri­tory Sales Man­ager for a lead­ing mov­ing and stor­age provider, has worked with fleets in the past, and has over 13 years’ expe­ri­ence in the trans­porta­tion and stor­age industries.


Ryan Showers Ryan Showers Joins AmeriFleet as East Coast Director of Sales

Amer­i­Fleet has named Ryan Show­ers Direc­tor of Sales for the East Coast, work­ing out of AmeriFleet’s Alpharetta, GA head­quar­ters. A 15-year indus­try vet­eran who came to Amer­i­Fleet after a 5-year stop as the top sales­per­son for an industry-leading con­sumer prod­uct, Show­ers has spe­cial­ized in help­ing com­pa­nies pen­e­trate new mar­kets, while strength­en­ing their brands. His career includes an 8-year stint with Enter­prise, where he worked in many capac­i­ties on his way up that company’s well known devel­op­ment ladder.


Managing Traffic Challenges  

Lease­Plan USA is team­ing with Amer­i­can Traf­fic Solu­tions (ATS) Fleet Ser­vices to imple­ment new toll and vio­la­tion solu­tions for its clients. TollPlanSM and Vio­la­tion­s­PlanSM are inno­v­a­tive pro­grams that will cap­ture and mon­i­tor data to assist clients in man­ag­ing the most com­mon traf­fic challenges.

With the intro­duc­tion of TollPlan, an elec­tronic toll pay­ment solu­tion, Lease­Plan clients can save up to 50 per­cent on toll man­age­ment admin­is­tra­tion costs. TollPlan con­sol­i­dates mul­ti­ple toll accounts into one pro­gram, pro­vid­ing cen­tral­ized con­trols, report­ing and pay­ment pro­cess­ing. Addi­tion­ally, with TollPlan, there is vis­i­bil­ity into tolling activ­ity with a robust report­ing pack­age. The pro­gram also allows dri­vers to expe­ri­ence increased mobil­ity with the use of high-speed cash­less toll lanes and reduces and can even elim­i­nate a fleet’s risk of toll violations.


Fleet Milestones  

As we began think­ing about this arti­cle to cel­e­brate Wheels’ Dia­mond Anniver­sary, we asked two much-lauded, retired Wheels exec­u­tives, Den­nis LaL­ib­erty and Ted Less, both of whom joined the com­pany in 1958, to give us their unique per­spec­tives on the company’s culture.

Less, whose ini­tial mis­sion at the com­pany was to cre­ate a truck engi­neer­ing depart­ment, retired in 1995 as Senior Vice Pres­i­dent. He said, “Wheels was founded on two pil­lars: ser­vice and ethics.” He con­tin­ued, “Going to work was fun; every­one was treated like fam­ily.” Call­ing founder Zol­lie Frank a “tremen­dous vision­ary,” Less’s respect and admi­ra­tion for the three-generation Frank fam­ily lead­er­ship is prodigious.

LaL­ib­erty, a trainee when he was hired, retired in 2002 as Vice Pres­i­dent of Inter­na­tional Mar­ket­ing. He said, “It was a plea­sure to work at the com­pany and I learned a lot in my years there, not only about the indus­try but how to treat clients, how to deal with and develop employ­ees, and how con­sis­tent atten­tion to client ser­vice and com­mu­ni­ca­tion cre­ate an envi­ron­ment for respect and success.”

LaL­ib­erty con­tin­ued: “After a brief pause to cel­e­brate the occa­sion, I sus­pect that Wheels man­age­ment and employ­ees would echo the old Al Jol­son line, “You ain’t seen noth­ing yet!”

So, how did it all start? And what does Dan Frank say about the company’s future focus?


Fleet Trends & Issues

shellFleets Benefit With New Shell Fleet Navigator and Jiffy Lube Team

Start­ing April 1st, cus­tomers who sign up for the Shell Fleet Nav­i­ga­tor Card will receive 20 per­cent off ser­vices at par­tic­i­pat­ing Jiffy Lube ser­vice cen­ters. The Shell Fleet Nav­i­ga­tor Card helps fleet man­agers and their dri­vers reduce costs and achieve busi­ness goals.

“We know fleet man­agers are con­tin­u­ally look­ing for ways to save, which is why we intro­duced the highly cus­tomiz­able and flex­i­ble Shell Fleet Nav­i­ga­tor  Card,” said Henry Miller, gen­eral man­ager of the Com­mer­cial Fleet Card Pro­gram for Shell in North Amer­ica. “Now, with the card’s Jiffy Lube ben­e­fit, fleet man­agers can not only cus­tomize their fuel net­work and set con­trols down to the dri­ver level to real­ize sav­ings, but can also save on impor­tant ongo­ing fleet main­te­nance services.”


Chevrolet AppShop Offers Connected Car PersonalizationApps by the Dashboard Light

Start­ing next month, many car buy­ers will be get­ting a novel fea­ture: Inter­net con­nec­tions with speeds sim­i­lar to those on the fastest smartphones—and even a few early dashboard-based apps, engi­neered to be as dumbed-down as possible.

Back­seat pas­sen­gers could get stream­ing movies and fast Wi-Fi con­nec­tions to smart watches and tablets in (and near) the car. For dri­vers, high-resolution nav­i­ga­tion maps would load quickly, and high-fidelity audio could stream from Inter­net radio ser­vices. But the first dash­board apps will be lim­ited, spare ver­sions of famil­iar ones like the Weather Chan­nel, Pan­dora, and Price­line. READ MORE

ARI logo from videoARI Announces “Ringman of Distinction” Award Recipients

ARI® proudly announces two recip­i­ents of their “Ring­man of Dis­tinc­tion” award, which rec­og­nizes the out­stand­ing con­tri­bu­tions of ring­men at var­i­ous vehi­cle auc­tions. The recip­i­ents are Art Mecias of Adesa Los Ange­les Auto Auc­tion and Zach Massey of ABC Birm­ing­ham Auto Auction.

ARI part­ners with sev­eral auc­tion out­lets through­out North Amer­ica to max­i­mize poten­tial sales oppor­tu­ni­ties for clients’ vehi­cles. While auc­tion­eers con­trol the sale of a vehi­cle, ring­men sup­port them by spot­ting and iden­ti­fy­ing bids, sig­nal­ing them to the auc­tion­eer and help­ing to put sales together.


alternative fuel vehiclesFree AFV Fleet Leasing Webinar

Not sure about pur­chas­ing alter­na­tive fuel vehi­cles on your own? Par­tic­i­pate in a free one-hour “Alter­na­tive Fuel Vehi­cle Fleet Leas­ing” webi­nar on Wednes­day, March 26 at 11:00 a.m. PDT / 2:00 p.m. EDT.


The Alternative Fueled Fleet  

Tran­si­tion­ing all or part of a fleet to alter­na­tive fuel vehi­cles can be an excit­ing new ven­ture. Alter­na­tive fuel engines, such as propane and com­pressed nat­ural gas (CNG), are def­i­nitely stak­ing their claim in the mar­ket­place as their key advan­tages are being realized.

While fleets enjoy fuel sav­ings and a boost in their image from their envi­ron­men­tal efforts, there are other fac­tors to think about. From ini­tial costs to fuel­ing sta­tions, main­te­nance and safety mea­sures, chang­ing a fleet over to alter­na­tive fuel can be a major shift for any fleet – and one that the fleet man­ager, as well as the main­te­nance man­ager and crew, should fully understand.


GM's Problems Escalate  

Fed­eral author­i­ties’ nascent inves­ti­ga­tion into Gen­eral Motors is look­ing in part into whether the automaker com­mit­ted bank­ruptcy fraud by not dis­clos­ing defects that could lead to expen­sive future lia­bil­i­ties, a per­son briefed on the inquiry said on Friday.

The ques­tion is whether G.M. knew about the defect — a faulty igni­tion switch — when it filed for bank­ruptcy in 2009, and failed to fully dis­close the prob­lem, while real­iz­ing that it could lead to a cas­cade of lia­bil­ity claims.

While it has been known that the Jus­tice Depart­ment was inves­ti­gat­ing G.M., the inter­est in the bank­ruptcy fil­ing is the first indi­ca­tion of what direc­tion the inquiry may take.  READ MORE

Clean Diesel  

Volk­swa­gen of Amer­ica plans to bring its newest clean diesel engine to North Amer­ica later this year, a move that could add even more momen­tum to the revival of the high-mileage technology.

VW has been one of the biggest pro­po­nents of the new diesel tech­nol­ogy begin­ning to show up in a grow­ing array of auto­mo­tive appli­ca­tions – with mak­ers as diverse as Chevro­let, Jeep, Mazda and Mercedes-Benz adding new “oil-burners” to their line-up.

VW’s lat­est diesel, known inter­nally as the EA288 engine, was unveiled this week dur­ing a con­fer­ence in Detroit. READ MORE

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