February 24, 2014
Editor's Analysis & Top Industry News

Sutton_Janice It’s a Boy for the Rasmussens!

We were excited to learn that PARS exec­u­tives and indus­try lead­ers Lori and Erik Ras­mussen wel­comed a new baby to their fam­ily: Henry James Ras­mussen was born to the cou­ple Feb­ru­ary 7th. Also cel­e­brat­ing young Henry’s arrival was proud grand­fa­ther Jim Chris­tiano. For­mer Buick Fleet Direc­tor and founder of PARS, Chris­tiano had even more to cel­e­brate as the com­pany is mark­ing its 15 anniver­sary this year. Read more about the company’s jour­ney in Fleet Indus­try Milestones.

Drive Safety,

Jan­ice Sutton

Jim Halliday Jim Halliday Named President of PHH Arval

PHH Cor­po­ra­tion announced that Jim Hal­l­i­day has been named Pres­i­dent of PHH Arval, the Company’s fleet man­age­ment ser­vices sub­sidiary. Hal­l­i­day has served as Interim Pres­i­dent of PHH Arval since Decem­ber 2013.

“I’m hon­ored to have been cho­sen to lead PHH Arval,” said Hal­l­i­day. “Our unwa­ver­ing com­mit­ment to cus­tomer ser­vice, prod­uct inno­va­tion and oper­a­tional excel­lence has helped to estab­lish us as a leader in the fleet man­age­ment ser­vices indus­try. I look for­ward to PHH Arval con­tin­u­ing to deliver indus­try lead­ing cus­tomer ser­vice and proac­tive solu­tions to our cus­tomers and their drivers.”


Kate Vigneau 2014 Katherine Vigneau Joins Mercury Associates

Kather­ine Vigneau has joined Mer­cury Asso­ciates as a Senior Man­ager and coor­di­na­tor for their expand­ing pres­ence in Canada.

Lieutenant-Colonel (retired) Kather­ine Vigneau spent 26+ years in the Cana­dian Army hold­ing var­i­ous posi­tions in logis­tics and trans­porta­tion in Canada and abroad. From 1998 to 2001 she held the post of Fleet Man­ager for the Depart­ment of National Defence, respon­si­ble for pol­icy over­sight and man­age­ment of a fleet of 32,000 vehi­cles. She most recently spent four years at the Joint War­fare Cen­tre in Sta­vanger, Nor­way lead­ing the Logis­tics train­ing of NATO forces before her retire­ment in Octo­ber 2010.



VIDEO: Used Car Market - The Ride is Over

The last 4–5 years was the best used car mar­ket we’ve ever seen, but now the ride is over. Now an increased sup­ply is putting down­ward pres­sure on price, but luck­ily there’s good retail demand.

VIDEO: NAFA Chapter Meetings
  Technology and Distracted Driving

Hot topic at a recent NAFA chap­ter meet­ing: why it’s impor­tant for fleet pro­fes­sion­als to stay on top of tech­nolo­gies geared toward safer dri­ving habits.

Click here to watch video
VIDEO: NADA's Jonathan Banks
  What We’ll See in 2014

NADA Used Car Guide expects another phe­nom­e­nal year for used vehi­cles in 2014. Lease and fleet returns will increase sup­ply for more CPO sales.

Click here to read more

The Fleet Spot

Joe Carreira How Merck Saved $30 Million by Revamping Global Fleet

Joe Car­reira is Merck & Co., Inc.‘s fleet man­ager for Europe, the Mid­dle East and Africa, and was named 2012 Inter­na­tional Fleet Man­ager of the Year. A much lauded fleet pro­fes­sional, Joe was a fac­ulty mem­ber for NAFA’s 3rd Annual Inter­na­tional Fleet Acad­emy last fall.

We talked with him about Merck’s global fleet oper­a­tions and its need to change, to “opti­mize and har­mo­nize,” and in doing so, deliver $30 mil­lion of cost sav­ings in just three years.


Duane Armstrong Duane Armstrong Promoted to Regional VP at LeasePlan USA

Lease­Plan USA announced the pro­mo­tion of Duane Arm­strong to Regional Vice Pres­i­dent, Client Rela­tions Sales. Duane will be respon­si­ble for deliv­er­ing LeasePlan’s high-touch ser­vice to a port­fo­lio of clients in the North­east. Due to the suc­cess of the client acqui­si­tion teams and the sign­ing of new clients, Lease­Plan has seen its Client Rela­tions foot­print grow by approx­i­mately 20 percent.


Bill Bishop Bill Bishop Named Senior Marketing Analyst at FLD

FLD, Inc. announced the hire of Bill Bishop as senior mar­ket­ing ana­lyst. Bishop has more than 22 years of expe­ri­ence in the medium, heavy truck and auto­mo­tive indus­tries, allow­ing him to bet­ter serve and under­stand cus­tomer needs on a global scale.

“Bill’s exten­sive back­ground in remar­ket­ing in the medium, heavy duty truck and auto­mo­tive indus­try proves that he will be a great asset to FLD,” said Gary Mott, vice pres­i­dent of FLD. “His expe­ri­ence with a range of spe­cialty vehi­cles on a global scale will pro­vide FLD with mar­ket­ing analy­sis that will be inno­v­a­tive, effec­tive and effi­cient for our clients.”


Fleet Industry Milestones  

PARS, Pro­fes­sional Auto­mo­tive Relo­ca­tion Ser­vices, Inc., is cel­e­brat­ing its 15th year of busi­ness as a lead­ing provider of auto­mo­tive trans­porta­tion and logis­tics services.

In 1998, for­mer Buick Fleet Direc­tor Jim Chris­tiano first opened PARS for busi­ness, seek­ing to set a new stan­dard for excel­lence in drive-away moves. In its first year, PARS quoted 50 moves a day and received 10 orders.  Since then, the com­pany has grown dra­mat­i­cally, recently mov­ing into new 10,000 square-foot head­quar­ters in Gainesville, VA, and open­ing 14 offices.

Today, PARS pro­vides auto­mo­tive relo­ca­tion ser­vices through­out the con­tigu­ous 48 states, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and Canada.  Cus­tomers can access a fully inter­ac­tive web­site allow­ing them to obtain quotes, place orders, and access up-to-date order sta­tus infor­ma­tion. PARS moves thou­sands of vehi­cles each year while offer­ing its cus­tomers an increas­ingly com­pre­hen­sive list of value-added services.

Lori Ras­mussen, Pres­i­dent, now heads the busi­ness, rep­re­sent­ing the sec­ond gen­er­a­tion of the Chris­tiano fam­ily.  She joined PARS in 2004, suc­cess­fully lead­ing the busi­ness’ growth and over­see­ing its invest­ment in leading-edge technology.


NAFA Institute & Expo  

The more peo­ple you inspire, the more peo­ple will inspire you. That’s the cen­tral tenet behind Simon Sinek’s vision of a suc­cess­ful orga­ni­za­tion. Sinek, a best-selling author who teaches lead­ers and orga­ni­za­tions how to inspire peo­ple, has been described as a “vision­ary thinker with a rare intel­lect.” Hun­dreds of fleet man­agers from through­out North Amer­ica will get the oppor­tu­nity to take in his wis­dom dur­ing a Keynote Address at NAFA’s 2014 Insti­tute & Expo in Min­neapo­lis, MN on April 10.

“I imag­ine a world where peo­ple wake up every day inspired to go to work and return home at the end of the day feel­ing ful­filled by the work they do, feel­ing that they have con­tributed to some­thing greater than them­selves,” said Sinek.



Fleet Trends & Issues

ge-logo-fleetGE Capital Fleet Services Replacement and Leasing Strategies Pay Off

GE Cap­i­tal Fleet Ser­vices ana­lyzed cus­tomer fleet data result­ing in $1.2 bil­lion poten­tial sav­ings oppor­tu­ni­ties for cus­tomers since 2011. Just last year alone, GE Cap­i­tal Fleet Ser­vices iden­ti­fied $481 mil­lion in poten­tial cost sav­ings for cus­tomers with cus­tomers real­iz­ing $209 mil­lion in actual cost savings.

Fleet Man­agers are more actively engaged in cost-cutting prac­tices as indi­cated by the iden­ti­fied cost sav­ings. This iden­ti­fied oppor­tu­nity trans­lates to $401 per vehi­cle across the 1.4 mil­lion vehi­cles under GE’s fleet man­age­ment in 2013.


use-fleet-tracking-to-motivate-your-driversReward Good Behavior: Create Incentives to Motivate Your Drivers

Cre­at­ing Incen­tives is a sure way to get your team per­form­ing at their best every day on the job.  Some­times the hard­est part of start­ing an incen­tive pro­gram is fig­ur­ing out how to pull the cri­te­rion in a quick and sim­ple way that will not cre­ate even more work.

GPS Insight fleet track­ing soft­ware makes pulling data to com­pare your dri­vers a sim­ple process, so all you have to worry about is get­ting your team enthu­si­as­tic about a lit­tle healthy com­pe­ti­tion. READ MORE

car wreckU.S. Drivers More Dangerous than Europeans

A recent study from the Uni­ver­sity of Michigan’s Trans­porta­tion Research Insti­tute com­pared the num­ber of deaths by car acci­dents to other coun­tries around the word and U.S. dri­vers didn’t do as well.

World­wide, there is an aver­age of 18 auto fatal­i­ties per 100,000 peo­ple. The U.S. is actu­ally bet­ter than the aver­age at just 14 deaths, but com­pared to other indus­tri­al­ized nations, the number’s not all that impressive.


nokia-here-maps-carMPG Boosted with New Smart Maps

The next gen­er­a­tion of route guid­ance maps is being rolled out by a com­pany called Here, a sub­sidiary of Nokia Corp. The maps help vehi­cles adjust for top fuel econ­omy based on ter­rain ahead. Dri­vers can save fuel and avoid accidents.

The maps pro­vide data about a road’s pre­cise slope to the vehicle’s onboard com­puter, which sets the cruise con­trol sys­tem and adjusts the throt­tle accord­ingly. The tech­nol­ogy is another step toward hands-free driving.


In-Vehicle Privacy  

Law­mak­ers fret that vehi­cles and dri­vers could be mon­i­tored, or dri­vers tar­geted with unwanted ads via in-car Internet

Almost 15 years ago, Scott McNealy, head of Sun Microsys­tems — and by the way, son of Amer­i­can Motors’ Vice Chair­man Bill McNealy before the com­pany was sold to Chrysler — cre­ated a media storm when he was quoted as say­ing, “You have zero pri­vacy any­way. Get over it.” He prob­a­bly didn’t have telem­at­ics in mind when he said it, because even in-vehicle nav­i­ga­tion was still in its infancy.


Case Study  

In 2010, the world’s lead­ing eye­wear com­pany, Lux­ot­tica, chose Arval when it switched from company-owned fleets in each coun­try to a global, full-service leas­ing car pol­icy. The deci­sion quickly proved its merit by yield­ing ben­e­fits that included reduced fleet costs to greater man­age­ment con­trol in lit­tle more than a year after it was implemented.

Mobil­ity is a vital part of Luxottica’s busi­ness, both for its man­agers, as well as its sales and mar­ket­ing staff, who work with a vast net­work of retail out­lets. Lux­ot­tica is the world’s largest eye­wear man­u­fac­turer. Until 2010, Luxottica’s sub­sidiaries pur­chased their own fleet vehi­cles, with man­agers able to choose any brand up to a max­i­mum list price.

Then, Lux­ot­tica turned to inter­na­tional full-service leas­ing with Arval.


Global Fleet Conferences  

A team of expert fleet man­agers will become train­ers for the day when they host a series of workshop-style ses­sions at this year’s Fleet Show at the world-famous Sil­ver­stone rac­ing cir­cuit in North­hamp­ton­shire, Eng­land on April 9.

In a rad­i­cal change from the sem­i­nar pro­gram of pre­vi­ous years, the orga­niz­ers have opted for a new for­mat in which expe­ri­enced fleet man­agers will pass on their knowl­edge and exper­tise in a series of inter­ac­tive ses­sions where audi­ence par­tic­i­pa­tion will be actively encouraged.


Fleet Management Resources 
Offering a nationwide vehicle delivery and relocation service; serving the corporate and commercial fleet industry.
LeasePlan is the world's leading high-touch service provider for vehicle leasing and fleet management.
The CEI Group Inc.
North America's largest accident management and fleet driver safety company.
Driven fleet professionals. Driving results.
NAFA is the association for the diverse vehicle fleet management profession regardless of organizational type, geographic location, or fleet composition.

GPS Insight
GPS Insight offers GPS tracking solutions to meet your organization's unique requirements and challenges.
Customizing global fleet management to achieve your goals.