January 27, 2014
Editor's Analysis & Top Industry News

Sutton_Janice Surprising Super Bowl Stats!

As far back as 2003, a study of U.S. col­li­sion data per­formed by Uni­ver­sity of Toronto researchers found:

  • A 41% increase in motor vehi­cle col­li­sions in the hours fol­low­ing the Super Bowl
  • The first hour imme­di­ately fol­low­ing the Super Bowl was the worst, with the col­li­sion rate jump­ing 70%
  • The largest surges in the col­li­sion rate occurred in the home states of the los­ing team
  • Where the num­ber of crashes increased 68% after the tele­cast ended,
  • While col­li­sions rose only 6% in the winner’s state.

With Super Bowl XLVIII less than a week away, check out these valu­able tips on how you can make your Super Bowl Sun­day a safe one.

Drive Safety,

Jan­ice Sut­ton
Exec­u­tive Editor

LeSage Consulting logo LeSage Consulting Debuts, Supports Clients with Clean Transportation Goals

Alter­na­tive fuel vehi­cles are play­ing an increas­ingly vital role in envi­ron­men­tal issues, gov­ern­ment poli­cies, and eco­nom­ics. LeSage Con­sult­ing now offers ser­vices to sup­port stake­hold­ers in alter­na­tive fuel vehi­cles and clean trans­porta­tion – edu­ca­tion and pub­lic aware­ness, infor­ma­tive con­tent, and mar­ket research ser­vices designed to assist clients in accom­plish­ing their missions.

Learn how LeSage can help you make the right deci­sions for your fleet.

VNGCo pump CNG Fueling Easier for Fleets

Donlen has signed an agree­ment with VNG.CO, a nation­wide com­pressed nat­ural gas (CNG) retail-centric fuel­ing facil­ity pro­gram, to pro­vide access to a net­work of com­pressed nat­ural gas fuel­ing loca­tions for its fleet customers.

VNG.CO fuel­ing facil­i­ties will be avail­able to fleets at prime retail loca­tions, giv­ing dri­vers all the advan­tages of gaso­line sta­tion con­ve­nience with the com­pelling ben­e­fits of NGVs.

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Hill_Rob_ARI_NAFA International 2013

VIDEO: Serving Global Fleets

ARI has made the deci­sion to move into the Euro­pean mar­ket — and they’ve started by acquir­ing Fleet Sup­port Group and suc­cess­fully bring­ing them into the ARI family.

VIDEO: NAFA's Many Advantages
Pratt_Gayle_NAFA IFC
  One of NAFA’s Key Advantages: Careers and Networking

NAFA offers a host of advan­tages for its mem­bers — and one of its great­est ben­e­fits is a career cen­ter where you can find other jobs within the industry.

Click here to watch video
VIDEO: Training and Education
  What NAFA Brings to Global Fleet Managers

NAFA’s Inter­na­tional VP talks about how the asso­ci­a­tion brings needed train­ing and edu­ca­tion to fleets around the world

Click here to read more

The Fleet Spot

Laura Jozwiak Wheels: Looking at Fleet Costs in a Different Way

For many fleets, achiev­ing year-over-year cost reduc­tions is the hall­mark of a suc­cess­ful fleet pro­gram. And for some fleets, that is what is expected by senior man­age­ment — and fleet man­agers spend a great deal of time ago­niz­ing over how and where to make the cuts.

Wheels looks at the fleet in a some­what dif­fer­ent way, and when we talked with Laura Jozwiak, Vice Pres­i­dent of Client Rela­tions, we asked her to tell us about the company’s unique Results+ pro­gram that ques­tions the very pur­pose of the fleet in the first place.

Scott Madden PHH Arval Names Scott Madden VP of Business Development

PHH Arval announced that Scott Mad­den has been appointed vice pres­i­dent of busi­ness devel­op­ment for Canada’s cen­tral and east­ern regions.

“Scott brings a strong track record of dri­ving growth and build­ing client rela­tion­ships,” said Pat Furgiuele, PHH Arval senior vice pres­i­dent and gen­eral man­ager, Canada. “His approach aligns with our cus­tomer focus and he will play an impor­tant role in strate­gi­cally grow­ing our North Amer­i­can fleet business.”

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Julie Picard Manheim Appoints Julie Picard General Manager, VP of Manheim Pennsylvania

Julie Picard, mar­ket vice pres­i­dent of Manheim’s Pacific Mar­ket has been named gen­eral man­ager and vice pres­i­dent of Man­heim Pennsylvania.

In addi­tion to being a ded­i­cated busi­ness pro­fes­sional, Picard is also a com­mit­ted indus­try leader.
Read more

Taxing Questions  

Nat­ural gas vehi­cles (NGV) like the Ford F-150 and Honda Civic Nat­ural Gas have been attrac­tive to many con­sumers and busi­nesses – it’s been much cheaper than gaso­line and diesel; and a lot of peo­ple enjoy that it’s a domes­ti­cally pro­duced fuel and not com­ing from an over­seas OPEC country.

A fed­eral tax incen­tive expired in Wash­ing­ton on Decem­ber 31 that’s increas­ing gas pump prices – up to 50 cents for each gaso­line gal­lon equiv­a­lent (GGE) of nat­ural gas sold at a lot of fuel­ing stations.

There are a few rea­sons as to why it won’t be going away:

Even if the tax credit takes its strong price sav­ings off a bit, it’s still a good deal. It might come back in Wash­ing­ton, and leg­is­la­tors are look­ing at the options.

There are a few other items to keep in mind – check out cov­er­age of the issues here……

Fleet Education  

NAFA Fleet Management’s Cer­ti­fied Auto­mo­tive Fleet Man­ager (CAFM) pro­gram is the indus­try stan­dard in terms of achiev­ing pro­fes­sional recog­ni­tion for knowl­edge and exper­tise. It is not just about cars – it cov­ers fleet and main­te­nance man­age­ment processes that apply to any­thing with an engine. For the first time, NAFA is offer­ing The Work Truck Show® atten­dees the oppor­tu­nity to test drive the CAFM cer­ti­fi­ca­tion pro­gram for free.

Appli­cants have until Feb­ru­ary 4, 2014 to sign up. Here are the details


Fleet Trends & Issues

michelin tireNew Michelin Tire Improves with Age

Miche­lin has devel­oped a tire, the Pre­mier A/S, that coun­ters the effects of wear with chan­nels that grow wider, and hid­den rain grooves that emerge as the tire is used, along with a spe­cial rub­ber com­pound for wet conditions.

Tires play a cru­cial role in trans­lat­ing brak­ing force to decel­er­a­tion, par­tic­u­larly in wet con­di­tions. “Con­sumers think brakes are the moti­vat­ing force that stops your car, when in real­ity tires stop your car,” said Ron Mar­gadonna, a senior tech­ni­cal mar­ket­ing man­ager at Michelin.

Com­pared with a con­ven­tional tire, the Pre­mier A/S, reduces stop­ping dis­tances in wet con­di­tions and, when worn, bet­ter resists hydroplan­ing — skat­ing on a thin cush­ion of water.


fedexFedEx Express and Nissan to Test All-Electric e-NV200 as Fleet Delivery Vehicle

FedEx will deploy the Nis­san e-NV200 in the Wash­ing­ton, D.C. area, where it will undergo field tests sub­ject­ing it to the rou­tine require­ments of a deliv­ery vehi­cle. The results will be used to help deter­mine the via­bil­ity of using an elec­tric vehi­cle in this role in the U.S.

“As a global fleet oper­a­tor serv­ing 220 coun­tries and ter­ri­to­ries world­wide, FedEx is com­mit­ted to improv­ing the effi­ciency of its vehi­cles as part of our Earth­S­mart ini­tia­tives,” said Mitch Jack­son, vice pres­i­dent of Envi­ron­men­tal Affairs and Sus­tain­abil­ity, FedEx Cor­po­ra­tion.  “We are pleased to con­tinue our work with Nis­san and bring the e-NV200 into test in North America.”


Honda Accord Plug-In HybridWho Will Win Electric Vehicle Race – the U.S. or China?

The future of Fisker Auto­mo­tive might be viewed as a sym­bolic tale of where eco­nomic alliances – and com­pe­ti­tion – now stand between the US and China.

Two Chi­nese investors are vying to take over the trou­bled US maker of the lux­ury, extended range Fisker Karma.

While EV sales fig­ures in either coun­try are highly unlikely to meet the mil­lion unit EV mark set by Pres­i­dent Obama within the next two years, the race is still being run.

The invest­ments have been impressive:

  • An elec­tric ver­sion of the Saab 9–3 for sale in China is crit­i­cal for Saab a year out of its bank­ruptcy proceedings.
  • Tesla Motors has been work­ing hard to get its web­site domain name back in China from a Chi­nese owner.
  • Actor Leonardo DiCaprio announced he’s form­ing a team to par­tic­i­pate in a new EV rac­ing cir­cuit that will launch its inau­gural sea­son in Bei­jing next September.

Read all about the oppor­tu­ni­ties and chal­lenges that EVs present for the US and Chi­nese auto markets……

State of the Used Vehicle Marketplace  

With labor mar­ket and credit con­di­tions con­tin­u­ing to improve and expected to main­tain an upward tra­jec­tory in the year ahead, the envi­ron­ment is ripe for sus­tained vital­ity in the new, used and whole­sale marketplaces.

These and other trends are explored in detail in Manheim’s 19th annual Used Car Mar­ket Report, unveiled by Man­heim chief econ­o­mist Tom Webb at the National Auto­mo­bile Deal­ers Asso­ci­a­tion convention.

Read more about the next evo­lu­tion in the used vehi­cle marketplace.

Data at Your Fingertips  

GPS Track­ing Reports help you hold your fleet account­able to high stan­dards. With cus­tomiz­able report time frames, you can eas­ily look up the most rel­e­vant con­tent. On top of mon­i­tor­ing infor­ma­tion in your recent his­tory, you have the abil­ity to access unlim­ited his­tor­i­cal data about your fleet which can be ben­e­fi­cial for many reasons.

Maybe you’re a fleet man­ager for an elec­tri­cal com­pany try­ing to reduce fuel costs. You want to research your fleet’s dri­ving behav­ior to pin point areas that need improve­ment. With access to unlim­ited his­tor­i­cal data, you can ana­lyze his­tor­i­cal routes, dri­ving habits and unau­tho­rized usage as far back as your fleet was equipped with GPS track­ing devices. What­ever the rea­son, may be you would need to know what hap­pened a week ago, a month ago, or a year ago, advanced fleet track­ing soft­ware will have you cov­ered. Beware, only some com­pa­nies will offer this for free, so be sure to find out first.

GPS Insight offers unlim­ited his­tor­i­cal data to cus­tomers at no charge. For more infor­ma­tion, please visit our web­site.

Global Fleet Solutions  

Ichi­nen Hold­ings Co. Ltd, one of Japan’s largest auto­mo­tive leas­ing com­pa­nies, has selected the Miles leas­ing and fleet man­age­ment solu­tion from Belgium-based soft­ware spe­cial­ist, Sofico, to man­age its fleet of more than 120,000 vehi­cles on behalf of cor­po­rate cus­tomers through­out the country.

In 2012, the com­pany insti­gated a ten­der process to find a new fleet man­age­ment soft­ware sys­tem supplier…

Pic­tured: Sofico Man­ag­ing Direc­tor, Gemar Hom­pes with Masashi Kuroda, CEO of Ichi­nen Holdings

Fleet Management Resources 
Offering a nationwide vehicle delivery and relocation service; serving the corporate and commercial fleet industry.
GPS Insight
GPS Insight offers GPS tracking solutions to meet your organization's unique requirements and challenges.
Customizing global fleet management to achieve your goals.
Driven fleet professionals. Driving results.
LeasePlan is the world's leading high-touch service provider for vehicle leasing and fleet management.

CEI Network
North America's largest accident management and fleet driver safety company.
NAFA is the association for the diverse vehicle fleet management profession regardless of organizational type, geographic location, or fleet composition.